13 Nov, 2009 (Fri)

Science Education through General Education


各學系現可透過Course Proposal and Inventory System (GECPI,網址:http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/oge/gecpi) 提交2010-11年度的新科目、修訂或取消科目建議書。大學通識教育部將舉辦一連串聚會,希望為各通識老師提供有關課程設計的靈感。


Dr. Chiu Chi Ming and Dr. Pang Kam Moon are both experienced University GE (UGE) teachers. They have been teaching UGE science courses since 2002. In this seminar, they will share their experience in teaching large classes. It is generally agreed that a UGE science course should lead students to, with a scientific attitude, appraise and evaluate human’s role in being part of nature and the impact of science and technology on today’s life. However, most teachers also find it difficult to achieve this goal in large classes where individual students’ science backgrounds are hard to cater for. The speakers will share the difficulties they encountered and suggest some possible solutions, including the design of teaching plans, for discussion.