17 Mar, 2011 (Thu)

GE Initiatives in UCLA

Speaker: Prof. Robert Gurval (Department of Classics,University of California, Los Angeles


UCLA現時的通識課程包括一年級群組科目(first-year cluster program)及學系開辦的通識科。一年級群組科目被公認是UCLA通識課程的代表,課程題材廣泛,涉獵不同學科,每年開辦九至十個課程,主題包括「現代思潮史」、「宇宙與生命的進化」及「大都會—洛杉磯」等,由研究學人及傑出老師任教,每科不多於200名學生;導修課則由經驗豐富的研究生指導,每組不多於20人。在一年級群組科目以外,傳統通識科由學系及跨學系課程開辦,主要介紹各學科的研究方法。總括來說,UCLA的通識課程改革,經過無數人努力,並非一步登天。有關UCLA通識課程,可瀏覽網址 。


Prof. Robert Gurval, Hong Kong Visiting Fulbright Professor in the area of General Education and former faculty chair of GE Governance Committee of UCLA, will lead a workshop on the recent undergraduate initiatives at his home institution in the United States, the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). The workshop will focus on the challenges and strategies of reforming GE at a large public research university (not unlike CUHK), the continued administration and oversight of its program, and future university goals in undergraduate education. The workshop will also include a brief introduction to the history of the university.