10 Mar, 2014 (Mon)

How Do We Ensure that Students Learn from Service-Learning?

Speaker: 何素楠教授 (晨興書院)


自面對多元化的學生社群,晨興書院和伍宜孫書院在發展和維持高質素的服務學習活動時,都同樣面對獨特的挑戰。在是次通識午餐聚會,講者將先為我們介紹何謂服務學習,再透過回應下列問題,闡述他們克服挑戰的經驗,包括: 如何盡早將學生的服務經驗,連繫到書院生活? 學生能夠從服務學習裡面學會甚麼?怎樣學?我們應當在服務學習裡面加入其他的教學元素嗎? 如何確保同學在服務他人的同時,亦能反省服務學習的理念? 在中文大學規劃服務學習活動和課程時,需要有甚麼考慮和準備?


Mr. Tang Wai-hung is Lecturer of Department of Social Work, as well as Director of Service-Learning Programme of Wu Yee Sun College. He is currently teaching one University GE Course on “Understanding the Socially Disadvantaged” for undergraduates from various disciplines, as well as several GE Courses on “Service-Learning Projects” or similar themes for students from 3 colleges, in which the students are required to undergo local community services. Moreover, he has planned and organized several non-local Service-Learning trips for students of Wu Yee Sun College.