Teaching for Wider Learning: Teaching General Education in 21st Century
Venue: 701, Hui Yeung Shing Building
Language: English
Speaker: Dr. Jerry Gaff (Senior Scholar, Association of American Colleges and Universities)
通識教育的教學總是困難的。我們認同理想的本科生教育要有廣度和深度的結合,但與此同時,廣度的定義總是語焉不詳,而廣度的教授似乎就是通識教育的責任。對於只負責教授一門通識科目的老師,他/她可以怎樣帶給學生一個開闊的視角,而同時傳授他/她的專業知識?Dr. Jerry Gaff是通識教育及老師發展這兩個範疇的翹楚。在是次工作坊中,他將引領老師思考最重要帶給學生的是什麼,以及這些東西如何可於通識科目中傳授。這次的互動工作坊,將有助擴闊我們對教與學的想像,並提高我們視學生為學習者的敏感度。
Dr Gaff is the senior scholar of Association of American Colleges and Universities and is an expert in assisting college and faculty members or administrators to improve their academic programs in various ways, such as developing better quality and coherence in GE curricula, internationalizing the curriculum, using diversity and technology to aid learning. His articles include “Avoiding the Potholes: Strategies for Reforming General Education” (1980) and publications include New Life for the College Curriculum (1991), Strong Foundations: Twelve Principles of Effective General Education Programs (1994) and Building the Faculty We Need: Colleges and Universities Working Together (2000; co-authored).