Using Cultural Differences to Teach Critical Thinking in General Education
Language: English
Speaker: Prof. Joseph Bosco (Department of Anthropology)
探討甚麼是人類學家眼中的「批判性思考」,並說明他們如何在大學通識科目裡面教授批判性思考; 以民族主義,魔法及體育等日常議題為例,說明需要怎樣教授這些議題,以培養學生的智慧,而不僅是讓他們學習應付考試的知識; 討論在全球化社會中,為何學習人類學以及其他社會科學及人文學科的批判性思考是如此重要。
Joseph BOSCO 林舟 is Associate Professor of the Department of Anthropology, and 2013 Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education recipient. He has a BS in Biology from the University of Notre Dame and a PhD in Anthropology from Columbia University. He joined CUHK in 1992. He has taught UGEC1681 Humans and Culture and UGEC2960 Magic, Myth and the Supernatural, and last semester introduced a new course, UGEC2664 Sports and Culture. His research interests include economic anthropology (the rise and development of consumerism in China), religion, and the cultural shaping of rationality. He is currently conducting research on pesticides in Taiwan and its risks. His most recent publication is “The Problem of Greed in Economic Anthropology: Sumptuary Laws and New Consumerism in China,” Economic Anthropology 1: 167–185 (2014).