20 Nov, 2017 (Mon)

Student Learning through Reading Classics: Effects and Challenges of General Education Foundation Programme

Language: Cantonese


講者們在是次通識午餐聚會上,將分享他們採用IEO (Input-Environment-Outcome) 框架評估通識教育基礎課程的研究成果。在解說課程學習成果外,亦會剖析學生在學習歷程中產生的變化,並說明他們設計的課前與課後問卷,以及期末焦點訪談小組的理念。講者們也將分享他們在結合通識教育基礎課程學生科目成績及總學業成績平均積點這些客觀數據後,分析問卷和焦點訪談小組所得的研究結果。


Dr Cheung Hang Cheong Derek, Dr Kiang Kai Ming, Dr Leung Cheuk Hang, and Dr Ng Ka Leung Andy are Lecturers of the GEF Programme. Together, they form the IEO research team that is dedicated to assess the performance of the GEF Programme. The team adopts Alexander Astin’s IEO framework that emphasizes both the outcome and the process of the students in the assessment of the pedagogical effects.