About Us

Vission and Mission

General Education plays a vital role in the University’s mission to provide a balanced undergraduate education for all students. It equips students with the intellectual capacity for understanding critical issues, ideas, and values of humanity in modern society. It nurtures students to be educated persons capable of making informed judgment and taking up the challenges of this ever-changing world. Preparing students to be lifelong learners and engaged citizens with a global awareness, it targets their growth as whole persons rather than specialists. More specifically, GE of CUHK is designed to:

  1. furnish students with a broad intellectual perspective for dealing with unfamiliar questions;
  2. engage students in active reflections on perennial issues, prompting them to make connections between intellectual pursuits and life at work, at home and in the community;
  3. promote an understanding of Chinese cultural heritage and of other cultural traditions;
  4. develop the attitudes and skills that are conducive to critical thinking, self-expression and communication with the others;
  5. extend students’ curiosity, promote a habit of reading widely, and develop attitudes and competence as independent learners and team players.

Our Team

Staff list
Name Title – Unit / Department
Prof TAI Pui Kuen, Amos Associate Director – Office of University General Education (starting August 2021)
Dr LI Ming, Kenneth Lecturer – Office of University General Education
Miss KOW Yuen Mei, Vivian Project Co-ordinator II – Office of University General Education
Miss ZENG Zhiying, Cherrie Research Assistant – Office of University General Education
Committee on Sustainability Education
Name Unit / Department
Prof TAI Pui Kuen, Amos (Convenor) Earth System Science Programme
Prof CHEN Chun Chun Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering
Prof CHENG Sea Ling Department of Anthropology
Prof CHOI, Darwin Department of Finance
Prof CHUI Pui Yi, Apple School of Life Sciences
Mrs Cecilia LAM Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Office
Prof LEE Wing Yan, Vivian Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research (CLEAR)
Dr LI Ming, Kenneth Office of University General Education
Dr MUI Wai Ho, Lancelot School of Public Health and Primary Care
Prof NG Mee Kam Department of Geography and Resource Management
Prof SIT Hui Ping, Cindy Department of Sports Science and Physical Education
Prof ZHANG Hao Faculty of Law
Teaching Development and Learning Enhancement Grant (TDLEG)


Name Title – Unit / Department
Prof TAI Pui Kuen, Amos (Co-PI) Associate Director – Office of University General Education
Dr LI Ming, Kenneth (Co-PI) Lecturer – Office of University General Education
Prof LEE Wing Yan, Vivian Associate Professor – Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research
Dr MUI Wai Ho, Lancelot Associate Dean of General Education – Wu Yee Sun College
Dr TANG Wai Man, Wyman Lecturer – Department of Anthropology
Dr WONG Yu Hin, Sampson Lecturer – Department of Geography and Resource Management