China Research Fund for Undergraduate Students

The Chinese University of Hong Kong
University General Education China Programme
China Research Fund for Undergraduate Students


The China Research Fund for Undergraduate Students (2024–25) provides funding for undergraduate students to engage in research activities conducted in mainland China. This funding supports hands-on field projects that will deepen students’ understanding of China in aspects of culture, history, society, economy, and science and technology. It will enable students to explore their academic interests, enhance their research skills, and contribute to the body of knowledge about China.


▪ All full-time undergraduate students at CUHK are eligible applicants.

▪ Both individual and collaborative research projects are welcome. In the case of collaborative projects, the team should consist of no more than four members.

▪ The project funded by this funding should not be identical to those used to satisfy other university or major requirements, though some degree of overlap with the applicant’s other projects may be considered.

Fundable activities

Each approved project will receive up to HK$15,000 to be reimbursed on an actual basis, which can support transportation, accommodation, and admission tickets that arise from activities to take place in mainland China, including but not exclusive to the following:

▪ Archival search

▪ Field visits

▪ In-person interviews/survey


▪ To apply for the China Research Fund, eligible applicants must submit a detailed research proposal outlining their research topic, objectives, methodology, and budget. Applicants should provide a statement explaining their interest in China, the rationale for the proposed project, and how this research opportunity aligns with their academic and career goals. Additionally, particulars of the researcher or the research team and a budget plan should be included. The proposal, which should be limited to 3 pages, can be written in either Chinese or English.

▪ The completed application form and research proposal in both Word and PDF formats should be sent to before the submission deadline.

▪ There are two rounds of applications for the 2024-2025 China Research Fund. Key dates are as follows:

Round Proposal submission Funding result Completion report submission
1 October 31, 2024 November 18, 2024 June 1, 2025
2 January 31, 2025 February 28, 2025 June 30, 2025

▪ Shortlisted applicants will be invited to attend an interview following the submission deadline.

▪ Please click the following links to download:

Application Form

Notes to the Applications

Assessment Criteria

Applications for the China Research Fund will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

Methodology: The research proposal should demonstrate a clear understanding of the chosen topic and present a feasible approach to studying it.

Academic Merit: Applicants should demonstrate their research skills, and ability to conduct independent research, as individuals or teams. The research project should contribute to our understanding of China.

Completion Requirements

Upon completion of the research project, grant recipients are required to

▪ Produce a 3000-word report presenting first-hand observations of China and an informed, empirically based analysis of some aspects of Chinese culture and society;

▪ Give a 15-minute presentation in person to share knowledge and insights gained from the research project.

Approved funding will be reimbursed to the successful applicants subject to satisfactory completion of the research project.


Successful applicants will be required to seek academic guidance from faculty members of the University General Education China Programme.


For inquiries about the China Research Fund for Undergraduate Students, please contact the University General Education China Programme ( or 39430595).