25 Oct, 2016 (Tue)

Encouraging Cooperative Learning between and within Student Groups: Two Illustrative Cases

Language: English

Speaker: Dr. Ng Wai Yin Will (Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research)

Co-organized by Office of University General Education and CLEAR


不管你喜歡與否,今天在課堂上老師不再是講台上的聖人,也不再一說話就得到學生注意;老師要成為有如他們同輩的嚮導, 才能取得學生的注意力。老師單向講授,學生很容易就失去注意力;但當老師從講台走到學生的身邊,進行以學生參與為本的課堂活動,如分組討論、分組實驗及小組課題時,就能把握教機,引導和促進他們的學習。尤其當活動的本質為比拼時,老師更需要重視推動交流,鼓勵協作學習。 在是次的通識午餐聚會,講者將分享自己的教學經驗,透過一個分組研究的個案,以及一個課堂討論的個案,析述自己當時的教學安排。 是次的通識午餐聚會為「博弈學習行為研究系列」的最後一講,並首次以英語主講。考慮到未能參與首兩次以粵語主講的同事,講者將簡述整個研究系列的內容,並分享自己當中對於教與學的反思。


Dr. Ng Wai Yin Will had taught at The Chinese University of Hong Kong for almost three decades. He was enthusiastic about diverse experience of teaching and research. During his year of teaching, the subjects he taught included engineering science, project management, general education, as well as guiding academic research and liberal studies topics. After resigning from teaching position, he started to focus on the basic of education, contemplating on how, what and why human learnt. He is now working on research projects related to teaching and learning in the Centre for Learning Enhancement and Research at CUHK. His focus is on learning ethos and students’ strategic learning behaviors in universities.