Dr. HO Wai Ming
Dr. Ho received his BA in Chinese Language and Literature from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Later he went to Germany to further his studies in philosophy and classics. He obtained his MA and Ph. D from the University of Heidelberg. In Germany, Dr. Ho worked as research associate at the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities before joining the Office of University General Education in 2010 as lecturer of the General Education Foundation Programme. In 2021, he was appointed Associate Programme Director of the Foundation Programme. From 2017 to 2022, he served as external reviewer of the General Education course “In Dialogue with Humanity” offered by the School of Humanities and Social Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. Dr. Ho’s research interests focus on ancient Greek philosophy, especially Plato and Aristotle, as well as on the reception of them in the Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages. Recently his interests also include teaching humanities and general education.
Courses Taught
- “In Dialogue with Humanity”, offered by Office of University General Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
- “In Dialogue with Humanity”, offered by Tsinghua University.
- “Reading Humanity”, offered by Office of University General Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong for the Greater Bay Area Summer School (GBASS) and the Summer School for Mainland Students (SSMS).
- “Myth, Religion and Philosophy in ancient Greece”, offered by the Department of Philosophy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong for MA in Philosophy Programme.
- “Greek Philosophy: From Pre-Socratics to Plato and Aristotle”, offered by the Department of Philosophy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong for MA in Philosophy Programme.
Selected Publications
- Der Nous Poiētikos: Ein Aspekt der aristotelischen Transzendenz, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2024.
- 讀柏拉圖《斐德羅》,《字裏人間:人文經典與通識教育》,69-95頁,香港中文大學出版社,2021。
- 色諾芬筆下的蘇格拉底(色諾芬《蘇格拉底對話錄》導言),刊於《蘇格拉底對話錄》別冊,1-28頁,香港中文大學出版社,2023。
- 馬克思《1844年經濟學哲學手稿》裏的兩種「外化」,《重讀通識經典論文集(一):馬克思《1844年經濟學哲學手稿》151-181頁,香港中文大學鄭承峰通識教育研究中心,2023。
Research Projects
- Principal Investigator, Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (Ref#: 4171001) for the 2022-25 Triennium, for the project “A Compendium of introductions and reading guides to the revised course books for In Dialogue with Humanity and In Dialogue with Nature”.
- Co-Investigator, Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (Ref#: 4170997) for “An Online Bilingual Glossary in Support of Language Alignment in General Education Foundation (GEF) Classes”.