Dr. LI Ming Kenneth
Dr. LI obtained his Bachelor of Science (Honour), Master of Philosophy in Biology and the Doctor of Philosophy in Biochemistry at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). He was a Research Associate at the Institute of Chinese Medicine and the State Key Laboratory of Phytochemistry and Plant Resources in West China (CUHK). His research interest includes DNA barcoding technology, molecular authentication and pharmaceutical efficacy of Chinese medicines, systematic botany, and neural stem cell research.
Dr. LI has worked as a Lecturer in the Office of University General Education since 2012. He has been teaching the General Education (GE) Foundation Programme and other College GE and University GE courses over the years. Dr. LI is devoted to developing student-cantered pedagogy, as well as various initiatives for flipped classrooms, blended learning, App development, peer learning, experiential learning, and conducted related research. He is an accredited Peer-Assisted Study Sessions (PASS) Supervisor and certified Supplemental Instruction (SI) Supervisor. Being a certified Wine Educator (WSET) and International Sake Lecturer (SSI), Dr. LI is also passionate about wine and sake education.
Dr. LI was awarded:
- 2015 JSE Outstanding Paper Award
- 2019 Vice-Chancellor’s Exemplary Teaching Award (General Education)
- 2019 Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education
- 2021 University Education Award (Team)
- 2021 Positive Workplace Service Award (Individual Award)
Courses Taught
- UGFN1000 In Dialogue with Nature
- UGFN1001 In Dialogue with Nature (Cross-institutional)
- GESH1010 Orientation and Outreach
- GESH4010 Work and Productive Life
- UGEB2296 Experiencing and Rethinking Science and Technology in Agriculture
Selected Publications
Book Chapters
- Li M. 2022. Identification of Medicinal Materials Using Forensically Informative Nucleotide Sequencing. In Shaw PC, Cao H, Lo YT (ed.) Authentication of Chinese Medicinal Materials by DNA Technology (Second Edition): Techniques and Application. Singapore: World Scientific. Pp. 269-304
- Li M, Shaw PC. 2020. Vitaceae. In Li DZ, Chen ZD, Wang H, Lu AM, Luo Y, Yu WB (ed.) The Families and Genera of Chinese Vascular Plants (Volume II). Beijing: Science Press. Pp 858-866
- Li M, Shaw PC. 2020. Aristolochiaceae. In Li DZ, Chen ZD, Wang H, Lu AM, Luo Y, Yu WB (ed.) The Families and Genera of Chinese Vascular Plants (Volume I). Beijing: Science Press. Pp 215 -219
- Li M, Lai CW, Szeto WM. 2017. Whiteboard Animation: An Innovative Teaching and Learning Tool for Flipped Classrooms. In Nygaard C, Horsted A, Branch J, Bartholomew P (ed.) New Innovations in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Oxforshire: Libri Publishing Ltd. Pp. 159-175
- Szeto WM, Li M, Wu VJ, Wong IKT, Cheng AHW, LEUNG MY. 2022. A Student Perspective on the Effectiveness of PASS in Seminar Courses: A Mixed-Method Study, Journal of Peer Learning 15:48-65
- Leung CH, Li M. 2020. On Humanist Science General Education: Ideas and Issues. Education Journal 48(1): 23-46
- Li M, Lai CW, Szeto WM. 2019. Whiteboard Animations for Flipped Classrooms in a Common Core Science General Education Course. In J. Domenech, P. Merello, E. de la Poza, D. Blazquez &, R. Peña-Ortiz (Eds.). 5th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’19). Valencia: Universitat Politecnica de Valencia. Pp. 929-938
- Li M. 2018. In Dialogue with Nature: Experiential Learning Through Farming in a University Common Core Science General Education Course. Journal of Applied and Physical Sciences. 4(3):101-111
- Lau KC, Li M, Liao L. 2018. Assessment of Students’ Views of Nature of Science in the Context of the Discovery of DNA Structure. In Vopava J, Douda V, Kratochvil R, Konecki M (ed.) Proceedings of MAC 2018 in Prague. Prague: MAC Prague Consulting s.r.o. Pp. 196-216
- Li M, Au KY, Lam H, Cheng L, But PPH, Shaw PC. 2014. Molecular identification and in vitro cytotoxicity study of traditional Chinese medicines that are commonly confused with Aristolochia species. Food Chemistry 147: 332-339
Research Projects
- Principal Supervisor, “Advancing Sustainability Education at CUHK and beyond via General Education and Cross-sector Synergy”, Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant for 2022-25 Triennium; 12-2022 to 04-2025; HK$1,932,040
- Project Leader, “Popularization of SDGs and Targets using Animations for a Wider Community”, Sustainable Development Goals Action Fund 2022; 10-2022 to 9-2024; HK$49,993
- Project Leader, “Animations for SDGs and Targets (Phase 2)”, Sustainable Development Goals Action Fund 2021; 1-2022 to 12-2023; HK$50,000
- Principal Supervisor, “A Pilot Collaborative Teaching and Learning of Common-core GE Courses with Ursinus College”, Grant Scheme for Internationalization of Curriculum for the 2019-22 Triennium; 09-2020 to 06-2022; HK$100;000
- Project Leader, “Animations for SDGs and Targets”, Sustainable Development Goals Action Fund 2020; 8-2020 to 9-2021; HK$46,155
- Principal Supervisor, “Engagement with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to Cultivate Global Citizens”, Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant for 2019-22 Triennium; 12-2019 to 07-2022; HK$2,497,600
- Co-supervisor, “Engaging students as partners with Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS)”, Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant for 2019-22 Triennium; 11-2019 to 07-2022; HK$1,434,000
- Principal Supervisor, “Development of Experiential-learning Schemes for the General Education Foundation Programme”, Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant for 2019-22 Triennium; 12-2019 to 06-2022; HK$499;762
- Project Leader, “Permaculture as a Sustainable Way of Living – Experiencing the Principles through Farming Practices”, Sustainable Development Goal Programme; 08-2019 to 12-2019, HK$ 31,500
- Project Leader, “Development of the Mobile App ‘GE101’ for Blended Learning in the GEF Programme”, Courseware Development Grant Scheme; 09-2018 to 05-2019; HK$90,000
- Project Member, “Developing Micro-modules for Virtual Reality Experience in UGFN1000”, Micro-module Courseware Development Grant Scheme 2: Studies in Foundation Courses; 01-2018 to 10-2018; HK$100;000
- Co-supervisor, “Applying Socratic Method in Peer Learning”, Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant for 2016-19 Triennium; 01-2018 to 06-2019; HK$99;950
- Principal Supervisor, “Experiencing Classics in the GEF Programme through Farming”, Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant for 2016-2019 Triennium; 11-2017 to 06-2019; HK$91,910
- Project Leader, “Flipping the Classrooms of the Two Foundation Courses in GEF Programme using Whiteboard Animations”, Micro-module Courseware Development Grant Scheme 2: Studies in Foundation Courses 2017-18; 11-2017 to 10-2018; HK$84;750
- Project Leader, “Building Whiteboard Animations for Flipped Classroom in GEF Courses”, Micro-module Courseware Development Grant Scheme 2: Studies in Foundation Courses 2016-17; 05-2017 to 04-2018; HK$99,800
- Co-supervisor, “A Collaborative Project on Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS)”, Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant for 2016-19 Triennium,; 09-2016 to 06-2019; HK$500,000
- Project Leader, “UGFN-animated: Flipped Classroom with Whiteboard Animations”, Micro-Module Courseware Development Grant Scheme 2: Studies in Foundation Courses 2015-16; 01-2016 to 12-2016; HK$87,500