Dr. WONG Wing Yu Esther
I graduated with a BA(Hons) and Mphil in Philosophy at Lingnan University, and obtained PhD in Philosophy in CUHK. My research focus mainly on Chinese Philosophy, especially Contemporary Neo-Confucianism and Comparative philosophy. I am also curious about the Buddhist tradition and philosophical anthropology. Since joining CUHK, I have been teaching GEF course In Dialogue with Humanity, and occasionally UGEA and college courses.
Selected Publications
- 〈唐君毅哲學中的「理性」概念──以其文化哲學為中心〉,《中國哲學與文化》,第十三輯〉,頁 237-254。
- The conception of “Reason” in Tang Jun-Yi’s Cultural Philosophy, Chinese Philosophy and Culture, 13,237-254
Research Projects
- Co-Supervisor of the Teaching Development and Language Enhancement (TDLEG) project: “Development of Experiential-learning Schemes for the General Education Foundation Programme” ,2019-2022
- Co-Supervisor of the Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (TDLEG) project: “Experiencing Classics in the GEFP through Farming”, 2017- 2019