Dr. YU Chi Chung Andy
Dr Andy C. Yu received his first MA in Religious Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, then his second MA in Islamic Studies (with Distinction) at the University of Birmingham and finally got his PhD in Arab and Islamic Studies at the Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies, the University of Exeter, UK.
Academic Interests
Biblical-Quranic Studies
Christian-Muslim Relations
Interfaith Dialogue and Comparative Religion
Islamic Studies
Thoughts of Muslim Intellectuals
Teaching Classics for General Education
Selected Publications
Thinking Between Islam and the West: The Thoughts of Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Bassam Tibi and Tariq Ramadan, Oxford; New York: Peter Lang, 2014.
Review of the above work by Mohammed Hashas in Journal of Muslims in Europe 2018, Volume: 7, Issue: 3, pp. 381-383.
Citations of the above work known so far:
- The original version of the above work is my PhD thesis of Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies (Title: Islam in the West: A Study in the Thought of Seyyed Hossein Nasr and Tariq Ramadan). It was cited by my supervisor Prof Sajjad Rizvi in his article, “Tariq Ramadan’s Tryst with Modernity: Toward a European Muslim Tradition” in David Marshall (ed.), Tradition and Modernity: Christian and Muslim Perspectives, Georgetown University Press, 2013. pp. 209-219.
- When my PhD thesis was published in the version of the above work, it was cited in Ertugrul Sahin, Europäischer Islam: Diskurs im Spannungsfeld von Universalität, Historizität, Normativität und Empirizität, Springer VS, 2017.
- Also in Vinding Niels Valdemar, Egdunas Racius and Jorn Thielmann (ed.), Exploring the Multitude of Muslims in Europe: Essays in Honour of Jørgen S. Nielsen, BRILL, 2018.
- Also in Mohammed Hashas, The Idea of European Islam: Religion, Ethics, Politics and Perpetual Modernity, Routledge, 2018.
- Also in Adis Duderija & Halim Rane, Islam and Muslims in the West: Major Issues and Debates (New Directions in Islam), Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.
Article, Book Chapters and Unpublished Conference Paper
- 〈《古蘭經》和平觀之再思–理念、德性培育與實踐限制〉,載於梁卓恒、劉保禧、李駿康編,《字裡人間:人文經典與通識教育》,香港:香港中文大學出版社,2021,頁185-201。
- “Seeing Islam as Imperial Consciousness Saw It: The Modern Variation of the Thought of Wang Dai-yu” (paper presented in English but written in Chinese as〈以國家意識看自己:王岱輿思想的現代變奏〉) presented in International Conference of Religion, Violence and Multi-culturalism organized by the Center for Multi-Cultural Studies, College of Liberal Arts, National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan (臺灣國立成功大學文學院「宗教、暴力與多元文化主義:跨學門之整合探討」國際研討會30/11-1/12/2018).
(Note: the above conference invited Islamic scholars from the universities of Brunei Germany, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, London, Malaysia, Qatar and Taiwan and I am the only one from HK representing CUHK. It is really an eye-opening event for me to be involved and I learn a lot from the presentations and discussions with other scholars. The organizer is also very generous to reimburse all my expenses including accommodation, transportation and meals. For detail, please visit: https://nckucmcs2018.wixsite.com/mysite) - 〈中國伊斯蘭:文明交往、抗衡、融合與衝突〉,載於賴品超主編,《從文化全球化看中外宗教交流史》,香港:香港中文大學崇基書院宗教與中國社會研究中心,2018,頁167-234。
(上文引述於趙敬邦,《激盪即無礙:佛教與儒道思想的互動》,香港: 三聯,2020。) - “The Concept of Muslim Minority: A Stumbling Block or Stepping Stone? (English)” in Localization of Islam in China (Book in Chinese as 伊斯蘭在地化:中國伊斯蘭發展之探討). Edited by Lin Chang-kuan. The Research Institute for the Humanities, CUHK, 2015, pp. 129-149.
- “Islam, Islamism and Secularization: the Thoughts of Bassam Tibi (English)” in Cross-cultural Studies《文化越界》, vol 1, No.12, September 2014, pp.31-58.
- “A Framework of Positioning Islam in a Pluralistic Society: A Study of the Thought of Tariq Ramadan (English)” in Confluence of Civilizations: Prospect of Dialogue between Christianity and Islam (Book in Chinese as文明交融:基督教與伊斯蘭教對話願景) pp. 51-89. Edited by Lau Yee-cheung and Li Lin. Hong Kong: Alliance Bible Seminary, 2012.
(Citation of the above work by David Lee, Contextualisation of Sufi Spirituality in Seventeenth-and-eighteenth-century China: the role of Liu Zhi (c. 1662-c. 1730), Cambridge, England: James Clarke & Co, 2016.)
Other Academic Service
- Internal Advisor of Centre for the Study of Islamic Culture, The Chinese University of Hong Kong