The aim of GE Salon is to explore issues of common human concern from cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural perspectives, with a view to encouraging students to reflect upon questions related to the contemporary world and to foster intellectual discussions on campus.

2017-18 Hope Actually

From Boat to Bowl: Patterns and Dynamics of Hong Kong SHARK Tale

Speaker: Stan Shea

When you think about the ocean and it’s many fishes, what comes into your mind? Many people would say “delicious” or “seafood”, highlighting the most predominant relationship between man and sea. Hong Kong is one of the biggest per capita consumer of seafood in the world, and we have been importing our marine resources from over 130 countries/territories around the world each year. Do you think the ocean has limitless resources for our consumption, or are our oceans on the verge of collapse? From fearsome sharks to colourful groupers, let’s talk a bit about marine conservation – the fish’s vulnerability to overfishing, Hong Kong’s role in managing global seafood stocks, and what we can do to ensure healthy oceans and abundant sea life for our next generation.

2017-18 Hope Actually

The Cross and the Red Regime: Christianity and Religious Policy in China since the Implementation of Reform and Opening Up Policy

Speaker: Kwok Wai Luen


2016-17 Try.Feel.Seek

Emotions and Norms: The Dual Focus of Political Philosophy

Speaker: Sechin Yeong-Shyang Chien

情感(情緒)是政治的動能所在,給政治生活帶來無限活力;但是情感又被認為是非理性的衝動,往往帶來災難性的後果。政治需要情緒,但是情緒也需要規範的指引。 我們將參照 Martha C. Nussbaum 的相關著作,說明情緒其實含有複雜的認知內容,涉及了規範性的美好生活理念,也反映著美好人生的脆弱無常。情緒有對錯可言,可以批評、修正,也可以透過環境的改善與認知的調整,培育正向的情緒,減少負面情緒的禍害。 從這樣一種情緒觀出發,政治哲學作為一種規範性的政治思考,應該正視情緒,一方面積極處理情緒之中所反映的各種重要政治議題,另一方面也根據規範性的美好生活理念,對各類情緒進行評價與改善。

2016-17 Try.Feel.Seek

Science and Passion: A Contradiction?

Speaker: Frederick R. Davis

This talk explores the perceived tension between Science and Passion. At its core and by definition, science strives for reason free from emotion. Yet, many biologists express affinity for the organisms they study. They first developed an interest in birds or ants or turtles and then they pursued that interest as biologists and scientists. Rather than a contradiction, it is passion that drives long-term research and fuels efforts to protect species and engage conservation efforts. Moreover, such passion inspires the public and popular environmental activism. “Science and Passion” focuses on three prominent biologists and their subjects of study: Edward O. Wilson (Ants), Archie Carr (Turtles), and Rachel Carson (Birds and the Sea). Readings Archie F. Carr, Jr. So Excellent A Fishe: A Natural History of Sea Turtles. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 1967 / 2011. Frederick Rowe Davis. The Man who Saved Sea Turtles: Archie Carr and the Origins of Conservation Biology. New York: Oxford University Press, 2007. E.O. Wilson. Naturalist. Washington, D.C.: Island Press, 2006.

2016-17 Try.Feel.Seek

Emotion Education: Attained or Ascribed?

Speaker: Wong Suk Ying


2016-17 Try.Feel.Seek

Overcoming the Hedonic Treadmill: Desire Satisfaction and Intellect Demonstration Revisited

Speaker: Wong Muk Yan

Brickman and Campbell (1971)的研究指出,人的快樂就像一架不斷運作的水車,在高峰時會不斷下降,在低谷時又會不斷上升,總是慢慢回復正常水平。在快樂水車下,我們對於快樂的追求變得徒勞無功,今天讓你再快樂的事,轉瞬間便不能再感動你。我們要問,有沒有一種快樂能克服快樂水車的限制,為我們帶來長久的幸福?審視慾望滿足與理性展現兩種快樂來源,能為我們回答以上問題帶來一點啟示。