The aim of GE Salon is to explore issues of common human concern from cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural perspectives, with a view to encouraging students to reflect upon questions related to the contemporary world and to foster intellectual discussions on campus.

2015-16 Ten Theses on Freedom

Do We Have Free Will?

Speaker: Lau Chong Fuk


2015-16 Ten Theses on Freedom

The Concept of Freedom in the African Tradition: Some Comparisons with Confucianism and Liberalism

Speaker: Prof. Thaddeus Metz

In this talk, the speaker will expound a conception of freedom that is commonly held by those working in the sub-Saharan African philosophical tradition. Roughly, according to this view, one is more free, the more one is able to enter into communal relationships with others. After spelling out this relational notion of freedom, Prof. Metz will compare and contrast it with conceptions of freedom from other major traditions, specifically Confucianism, which is also relational, and liberalism, which is individualist.

2015-16 Ten Theses on Freedom

Religion and Freedom

Speaker: Venerable Chan Zhan

從佛法的觀點看,人並非不自由的,而是由於錯誤認知我們的身心世界,而做成種種的自我束縛;所以只要撥亂反正,我們就可以發現每個人本然的自由。 襌宗四祖道信前来拜師,說:「願和尚慈悲,乞與解脱法門。」三祖僧璨說:「誰縛汝?」道信答:「無人縛。」僧璨說:「何更解脱乎?」於是道信大悟。  

2015-16 Ten Theses on Freedom

On Mediated Love

Speaker: Donna Chu

心動,每次相遇,皆是專屬的獨家試愛,當中無數唯一多少最。 秋天的童話列車駛進玻璃之城,閉起雙眼,月台能讓你我滿足到落淚。沒有動地驚天愛戀過,偶爾回看那動人時光,溫暖已夠渡嚴寒。左右手間,最愛是誰,無條件的信誓,終究會否只是羅生異夢。他曾聽說,有一種幸福叫忘記;念念不忘,留在你臉書裡,當初那甜蜜蜜的神仙伴侶,你離開了卻散落四周。深信緣份的天空,她出發找愛的根源,今天也未回來。月球上的人,難辨地球是相愛,還是錯愛。 液態的情,反身的愛,浮沉媒體,你與我的紐帶,似在不在。 未得的愛,愛在憂鬱瘟疫蔓延時,留低哪種意義,就看世間怎記載。

2015-16 Ten Theses on Freedom

--電影放映會 + 與導演會面

2015-16 Ten Theses on Freedom

Freedom of Life: Economical Development and Biological Preservation

Speaker: Chiu Siu Wai