The aim of GE Salon is to explore issues of common human concern from cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural perspectives, with a view to encouraging students to reflect upon questions related to the contemporary world and to foster intellectual discussions on campus.
Plato’s Apology
Speaker: Cheung Chan Fai「不思反省的人生不值得苟延殘喘。」公元前399年蘇格拉底在其《答辯詞》的這句是西方哲學的座右銘。他的審判及其死亡更是西方文化史一件極重要的歷史事件。故此,《答辯詞》是我們理解蘇格拉底思想和古希臘文化必須研讀的經典。
The Social Contract
Speaker: Leung Mei Yee「人生而自由,卻無處不在枷鎖之中」。盧梭被視作法國革命的「導師」,他《社會招約論》的名句,鼓動人心。但甚麼是自由?細讀原典,才知道盧梭認為人應放棄天然的自由,實現公民自由和道德自由。後兩種自由,要透過公期意志達至,而公典意志又被視為極權統治的濫觴。《社會契約論》,是自由戰士的聖經,還是獨裁者的寶典?
The Qur’an
Speaker: Andy Yu《古蘭經》是伊斯蘭教的經典。對穆斯林而言,它是真主給予世人之救贖之道;但對非信徒而言,《古蘭經》又有何意義呢?
Italo Calvino, Why Read the Classics
Speaker: Yeung YangItalo Calvino著作無數,為人好寫是肯定的。在Why Read the Classics一書,他卻要說好讀、愛讀、迷讀經典。Calvino不說教,不以空洞的話語大讚經典偉大,反而坦蕩蕩地說出讀者面對經典的恐慌與困惑,喜樂與驚喜。從Voltaire的Candide,他看到人生的抉擇,Cyrano de Bergerac的The Other World, or the State and Empires of the Moon 讓他享受十七世界登陸月球的奇異幻想。這些,他稱之為「從自由和妙趣引發的智慧」。連繫著這眾多閱讀經驗的,是一個關鍵問題:我如何確立自身和這本書的關係?Calvino沒有答案,但點出在這讀短篇小說、二手文章的年頭,急於求答案正是讀經典的障礙。
2010-11 Classics for Today IIIWhat is Enlightenment? From Immanuel Kant to Michel Foucault
Speaker: Lau Kwok Ying二十世紀法國哲學家米歇爾•傅柯(Michel Foucault, 1926-1984)被視為後現代思潮的大旗手,卻於晚年重新發問德國哲學家康德(Immanuel Kant, 1724-1804)於1784年已經提出的「何謂啟蒙?」這一問題,並宣稱康德是把哲學實踐顯現成批判風骨的先驅。把康德和傅柯的〈何謂啟蒙?〉一文一起閱讀,可以看出後現代思潮與現代批判意識之間的承傳和轉化關係。
2010-11 Classics for Today IIIIncompleteness: Godel, Escher, Bach and Godel’s Proof
Speaker: Cheung Leung FuIn 1931, the young Austrian mathematician K. Godel announced a result which changed the humanity’s understanding of mathematics forever. In 1956, Nagel and New published a non-technical article in the magazine Scientific American which explained the proof of Godel. Two years later, the two authors expanded this article to a wonderful little book Godel’s Proof, which motivated the bestseller “Godel, Escher, Bach by Hofstadter.