21 Feb, 2022 (Mon)

[通識午間講座] 通識科的第二語言學習—文化理解與相互尊重

Delivery Mode: ZOOM網上講座 Online via ZOOM

Language: 英文及粵語 English and Cantonese

Speaker: 李兆麟博士(雅禮中國語文研習所)Dr. LEE Siu Lun (Yale-China Chinese Language Centre) 簡介 香港具有其獨特的社會多語和多元文化形式。對於大學生來說,了解這個多語言城市的語言多樣性和各種社會語言議題非常重要。本次演講講述了UGED1146「中國語言及文化與語言學習」的課堂設計。這門通識課程涵蓋的主題包括語言與文化的關係、香港的社會語言學和多種語言,以及中文作為第二語言教學的理論和實踐。 就讀UGED1146 的學生包括國際學生、華語學生和本地學生。學生可以透過最後一次的學生主導研討會閱讀相關文獻,並進行小組專題研習,以及討論語言和文化議題。在本次講座中,李博士將會介紹他對粵語作為第二語言(CanSL)的學習和教學的研究,以及他為大學生設計的廣東話同輩導修計劃。這個計劃為 CanSL 學生提供了在課外與大學朋輩一起運用和練習語言的機會,並促進不同語言和文化背景的學生之間的互助,以及文化多樣性和包容性。 Abstract Hong Kong has its peculiar form of societal multilingualism and multiculturalism. It is important for university students to understand the linguistic diversity and various sociolinguistic issues in this multilingual city. This presentation talks about the design of UGED1146 Chinese Language, Culture and Language Learning. This GE course covers topics like, the relationship between language and culture, sociolinguistics and multilingualism in Hong Kong, as well as theories and practice in teaching Chinese as a second language. UGED1146 involves a mixture of international students, Mandarin-speaking students, and local students. The final student-led symposium motivates students to reading relevant literature, to conduct collaborative research projects, as well as to actively discuss language and cultural issues. In this presentation, Dr. Lee also introduces his research regarding the learning and teaching of Cantonese as a Second Language (CanSL) and his design of a Cantonese Peer Tutoring System for students at the university. This peer tutoring system provide opportunities for CanSL students to use the target language outside classes with their peers at the university and, eventually promote mutual help among students with different linguistic and cultural backgrounds, as well as diversity and inclusion. 講者簡介 李兆麟博士現職於香港中文大學雅禮中國語文研習所高級講師及大學課程部廣東話組組長。李博士具備豐富的設計及管理中國語文課程經驗。他任教兩門通識課:UGED 1146 「中國語言及文化與語言學習」及GENA1113「學生為本教學與研討」。作為一位素有訓練的語言學家,他曾在期刊論文和書籍發佈了文章,由國際性出版社發行。他的研究興趣包括應用語言學、廣東話研究、中文語言學、社會語言學和語言教學法。此外,李博士曾榮獲2020通識教育模範教學獎。 Speaker Dr. Siu-lun Lee is Senior Lecturer in the Yale-China Chinese Language Centre at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is currently the Head of Cantonese Programme Division at the university. He is an experienced curriculum designer and administrator for Chinese language programmes. He has taught two General Education courses, namely, UGED1146 Chinese Language, Culture and Language Learning and GENA1113 Student-oriented Teaching and Seminar. He is a trained linguist and has publications, including book chapters and articles in refereed journals, published by international publishers. His research interests include applied linguistics, Cantonese studies, Chinese linguistics, sociolinguistics, and language teaching pedagogy. Dr. Lee received the Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education 2020. 按此報名

