GE Awards Call for Submission

Call for Submission:

General Education Award for Best Expository Writing, and
General Education Award for Best Visual Representation

The Best Essay Award was held annually from 2011 to 2021. The GE Awards resume after a year of suspension. Students are invited to submit writings and visual representations related to all General Education (GE) courses, including GE Foundation courses, University GE Four-Area courses as well as College GE courses offered in the academic years 2021-22 and 2022-23 (incl. summer semesters).

General Education Award for Best Expository Writing”: The Award for writing that invites submissions of writings from all GE courses.

General Education Award for Best Visual Representation”: The Award for visual representation that invites submissions of visual representations of how GE is encountered, experienced and conceptualized through GE courses.

An award ceremony, together with a student seminar featuring the awardees’ writings and an exhibition of the students’ visual representations, is scheduled for mid-September 2024.

General Education Award for Best Expository Writing

  1. Submission Guidelines
    • Term papers, research and field trip reports and other kinds of reflective writings are welcome.
    • Students may submit entries based on revised versions of the papers they wrote for GE courses
    • The length of Chinese essays should be between 2500 and 4000 characters; English essays should be between 2000 and 3200 words.
    • The MLA citation style is recommended for all submissions.
    • Each submission should be accompanied by a title, which should be the one given by the student and not the topic assigned by the course teacher. A paragraph may be added to specify the connection between the paper and the GE course(s) concerned.
    • Student should submit i) a PDF file and a Word file of the same paper, both with student name/ID and teachers’ comments removed, and ii) a completed online submission form:
    • Submissions will be reviewed by members of the review panel. Each submission will be assessed by at least two reviewers. Shortlisted writings will be sent to members of the Selection Committee for final adjudication.
  2. Prizes
    • There are three categories of top awards: one Gold (HK$ 5,000), up to three Silver (HK$ 3,000 each) and up to ten Bronze Awards (HK$1000 each).
    • Papers selected for the three categories of awards will be published in a booklet. Recipients of the Gold and Silver awards will be invited to present their papers at the student seminar. The best presenter will receive a book coupon prize of HK$ 1,000.

General Education Award for Best Visual Representation

  1. Submission Guidelines
    • Video clips, drawings and paintings, photos, models, sculptures, etc. are all welcome. Visual representations can be accompanied by audio.
    • Each submission must be accompanied by an account of the relation between the submission and the GE course(s) concerned.
    • Students should i) upload their works to their personal CUHK OneDrive and ensure the sharing settings are correctly adjusted to allow access, and ii) complete the online submission form: For any non-digital works such as 3D models, please just upload a photo of the work at the submission stage.
  2. Adjudication and Prizes
    • Submissions will be screened and shortlisted submissions will be displayed during and after the award ceremony and the student seminar.
    • There are three categories of top awards: one Gold (HK$ 5,000), up to three Silver (HK$ 3,000 each) and up to ten Bronze Awards (HK$1000 each).
    • Visitors to the exhibition will be invited to vote for the best representation during the visit. An award (HK$1,000) will be given to the representation with the highest popular votes.

Please note that each student is allowed to submit at most ONE entry for EACH Award. The deadline of submission for both Awards is 10 March 2024 (Sunday). Submissions that are incomplete or received after this date will not be considered. The results will be announced online by the end of June 2024. Awardees and their departments/programmes and Colleges will be informed individually.