Micro-modules Development for UGFN1000 Classroom Flipping and Its Related Pedagogical Research (2015-20)

Principal Supervisor(s): Dr. CHEUNG Hang Cheong Derek, Dr. KIANG Kai Ming, Dr. NG Ka Leung Andy, Dr. WU Jun Vivian

UGFN1000, In Dialogue with Nature, requires students to read science-related classics on their own and to discuss the core questions brought up by the classics that are enduring in the history of human civilizations. Teachers and students often reported that the 1-hour lecture is insufficient to provide necessary background knowledge for the students to handle the specific classic text on their own. Moreover, there are lots of topics extended from the texts that students are inspired to explore further.

We have developed a suite of micro-modules for the 11 classics and launched them as a KEEP course. There are now over 200 micro-modules on a variety of topics and purposes, all available to CUHK students on the KEEP course. The KEEP course has served over 3000 students since 2017.

For more details, please refer to the following articles:

  • Kiang, Kai Ming, Hin-Yan Chan, Andy Ka-Leung Ng, and Derek Hang-Cheong Cheung. Effectiveness of Micro-Modules in a Science Classics Course. American Journal of Educational Research, 2016, 4(13), 917-926.


  • Kiang, Kai Ming, Andy Ka-Leung Ng, and Derek Hang-Cheong Cheung, E-Learning Implementation in a Compulsory Science General Education Course, Proceedings of Multidisciplinary Academic Conference on Education, Teaching and E-learning (MAC-ETeL 2016), pp. 100 – 108, Czech Republic, Prague.
