Principal Supervisor(s): Professor LEE hun-tak Thomas
Co-supervisor(s): Dr. WONG Wing Hung
I. Background
The UGC (University Grants Committee) invited every university to initiate strategic development of Virtual Learning and Teaching (VTL). The invitation was further extended to OUGE. In response to this invitation, the OUGE is going to investigate the implementation of VTL in the General Education provision in 2020-2021, when the pandemic was prevailing.
II. Methodology
The project consists of three components:
- Stocktaking and consolidation: to understand how many courses/teachers have used supplementary VTL strategies and the actual implementation;
- Strategies evaluation: to evaluate the effectiveness of VTL provisions;
- Good-practice dissemination: for teachers and/or supporting staff to share the good practices and experiences related to the implementation of VTL.
III. Recent progress
As of December 2021, the project has begun. We are still in Act 1 of Component #1. In order to understand the implementation of VTL in GE courses during the pandemic, a questionnaire (in Microsoft Forms format) was designed. The questionnaire went through several revisions and was sent to ELITE for their comments. The further revised version was then tested by several teachers (GEF and UG 4-Area) and was adjusted according to their comments. OUGE sent an invitation letter to invite all GE teachers who taught GE courses in 2020-2021 to fill in the questionnaire. Responses will come before the end of December 2021. Colleagues in the Baldwin Cheng Research Centre for General Education will analyse the data.