Love and Pain: From Bereavement to Separation in Life
Language: In Cantonese
Speaker: Chan Chi-ho, Wallace
Moderator: 鄭威鵬
We would like to avoid death and bereavement. But paradoxically, life is full of losses and separation. If love may bring us pain during separation, dare we love?
Does death bring us fears or make us better understand love? Let us face ourselves honestly at this special night, and experience the personal growth with love and pain together.
陳智豪,香港中文大學社會工作學系副教授,研究興趣包括死亡、臨終及喪親、醫療保健社會工作、老年學、及意義治療 (Logotherapy) 等。陳教授曾榮獲社會科學院2012年度模範教學獎、2014年度青年學者研究成就獎及通識教育模範教學獎2015。