講者: Prof. Melissa Fitch (University of Arizona)
Prof. Melissa Fitch is a Visiting Fulbright Professor in the area of General Education at CUHK and an Associate Professor of Spanish & Portuguese at the University of Arizona, where she received the University of Arizona's Five Star Teaching Award, the institution's highest teaching honor, in 2008 and the General Education Teaching Award in 2004. Since 2002 Prof. Fitch has been editor-in-chief of the academic journal Studies in Latin American Popular Culture (University of Texas Press). She is author of Side Dishes: Latin/a American Women and Cultural Production (Rutgers University Press, 2009) and well as numerous critical essays. While in Hong Kong, she is finishing revisions of her second book, a study on Argentine tango in the global imaginary, as well as conducting research for her third and fourth book-length projects, both related to the presence of Latin American popular culture in greater China.