2021年1月25日 (一)

思考中大通識教育 4.0

地點: ZOOM

語言: English

講者: 陳金樑教授 (常務副校長及利榮森中國文化教授)Prof. Alan K.L. Chan (Provost and J.S. Lee Professor of Chinese Culture)


Professor Alan K.L. Chan is currently the Provost and J.S. Lee Professor of Chinese Culture at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). He is also a member of the Governing Board, CUHK-Shenzhen, and has been appointed a member of the University Grants Committee (UGC). Prior to joining CUHK in 2020, Professor Chan was Toh Puan Mahani Idris Daim Chair Professor of Humanities at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. Professor Chan joined NTU as Dean of the College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences in 2009. In January 2018, he was appointed Vice President of NTU, responsible for alumni engagement, university advancement and international relations. Previously he served as Professor of Philosophy and Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education at the National University of Singapore. Professor Chan was born in Hong Kong. He received his PhD in religious studies from the University of Toronto. Professor Chan’s research focuses on Chinese philosophy and religion, and hermeneutics and critical theory. His MOOC on Coursera, “Explorations in Chinese Philosophy” has drawn over 10,000 learners.