- 與人文對話,通識教育基礎課程,香港中文大學
- “Basic Issues in Intercultural Studies”,文化及宗教研究系,香港中文大學
Journal Paper
- <重演過去,預演未來﹕關於《碧街事變》> “Recasting the Past, Prefiguring the Future – On Pitt Street Riot”, ACT Art Critique of Taiwan No. 67, Taiwan, July 2016, pp.33-36, refereed.
- <由四大到九大藝團:論香港文化資助政策的變與不變> “From Big Ten to Big Nine: On the Cultural Policy of Sponsorship in Hong Kong”, The Graduate Journal of Cultural and Creative Industries, September 2016, pp. 60-64, refereed.
Book Chapter:
- <動情的人文﹕論情感在人文教育中的作用> “The Sway of Humanitas: On the Function of Sentiment in Humane Education” (with Dr. LEUNG Cheuk-hang) in《人文經典與通識教育》”Classics in Humanity and Liberal Education”, The Chinese University Press (Hong Kong) , refereed.
- <香港芭蕾舞團的文化產業之路?> “The Hong Kong Ballet’s Way to Cultural Industries?”, Hong Kong Dance Overview 2017, Hong Kong, September, 2020.
- <文化治理?還是共享城市?——從演出量增、場地增加、專業發展等現象談起> “Cultural Governance, or Sharing City? — An Analysis of the Phenomenon of Increased Programme Numbers, Venues and Professionalisation in Performing Arts”, Hong Kong Theatre Yearbook 2016 (Dance, Xiqu, Drama), International Association of Theatre Critics (Hong Kong), May 2018, refereed.
- <翻譯中生成的當代性:「新文本」的跨語際實踐> Translated Comtemporaneity: Translingual Practices of New Writings in Hong Kong,《躍動的交鋒:閱讀新文本》Reading New Writings (甄拔濤編), International Association of Theatre Critics (HK), pp. 72-87, refereed.
- <香港當代粵語劇場的表演性> Performativity of Cantonese Theatre in Hong Kong, 《語言的政治:香港粵語的異質與多元》Politics of Language: Heterogeneity and Multiplicity of Cantonese in Hong Kong , The Chinese University Press (Hong Kong) , refereed.
- Principle Investigator, A research on the cultural exchanges between Hong Kong and Taiwan Little Theatre in the 1980c, The Hong Kong Arts Development Council (2022 to present)
- Co-Principal Investigator, TDLEG project “A Micro-Module Courseware for the Teaching of the Anlects, the Heart Sutra, and the Zhuangzi,” The Chinese University of Hong Kong (2020 to 2022)
- Co-investigator, TDLEG project Development of Experiential-learning Schemes for the General Education Foundation Programme, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (2019 to 2022)
- Principal Investigator, TDLEG project “Experiencing Classics in the GEFP through Farming,” The Chinese University of Hong Kong (2017-11 to 2019-06)
- Co-Principal Investigator, MMCDG project “A Micro-module Courseware for the Teaching of the Analects and the Heart Sutra,” The Chinese University of Hong Kong (2017-05 to 2018-04)