BEng, MPhil, PhD (CUHK)
ATCL (TCL), AMusTCL (TCL), Certified PASS Supervisor (UOW)
司徒偉文博士畢業於香港中文大學,獲計算機科學與工程博士學位,現為通識教育基礎課程講師。 司徒博士致力培養既具備跨學科視野、學習態度又主動積極的學生。為了實現前者,他屬於首批開發跨學科的通識教育基礎課程的教學團隊成員,另外又其他學系合作,共同設計及教授一門關於音樂、心理學和人工智能的大學通識教育課程;為了實現後者,司徒博士在大學「同儕輔讀計劃」(PASS)的建立和發展中發揮了主導作用,目前是通識教育基礎課程PASS團隊的負責人。 由於PASS對提升學生學習體驗有重大貢獻,因此PASS團隊獲頒2021年度博文教學獎(團隊)。 司徒博士的學術興趣包括電腦音樂、機器學習、科學教育、同儕共學和電子學習;在學術界之外,司徒博士熱衷於向公眾推廣科學,曾多次舉行面向大眾的科學講座,並曾在電視科學節目中擔任主持。
ENGG 1003數碼素養及計算思維—P
- Szeto, W. M., Li, M., Wu, J., Wong, K. T., Cheng, H. W., & Leung, M. Y. (2022). A student perspective on the effectiveness of PASS in seminar courses: A mixed-method study. Journal of Peer Learning, 15(1), 48–65.
- Kiang, K. M., & Szeto, W. M. (2021). Teaching traditional Chinese science as a part of a NOS curriculum in Hong Kong. Science & Education, 30(6), 1453–1472.
- Li, M., Lai, C. W., & Szeto, W. M. (2017). Whiteboard animation: An innovative teaching and learning tool for flipped classrooms. In New Innovations in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (pp. 159–175). Libri Publishing.
- Szeto, W. M., & Wong, K. H. (2015). A hierarchical Bayesian framework for score-informed source separation of piano music signals. Proceedings of the 16th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2015), 155–161.
- 司徒偉文、彭金滿(2014)。〈同儕輔讀計劃:目標與推行〉,《大學通識》,第8期,頁121-134。
- Szeto, W. M., & Wong, K. H. (2013a). Sinusoidal modeling for piano tones. 2013 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communication and Computing (ICSPCC 2013), 1–6.
- Szeto, W. M., & Wong, K. H. (2013b). Source separation and analysis of piano music signals using instrument-specific sinusoidal model. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-13), 109–116.
- Wong, C. H., Szeto, W. M., & Wong, K. H. (2007). Automatic lyrics alignment for Cantonese popular music. Multimedia Systems, 12(4–5), 307–323.
- Szeto, W. M., & Wong, M. H. (2006a). A graph-theoretical approach for pattern matching in post-tonal music analysis. Journal of New Music Research, 35(4), 307–321.
- Szeto, W. M., & Wong, M. H. (2006b). Stream segregation algorithm for pattern matching in polyphonic music databases. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 30(1), 109–127.
- TDLEG 2019–22, Co-Principal Supervisor, ‘Engaging Students as Partners with Peer Assisted Study Session’ (HK$1,434,000)
- TDLEG 2019–22, Co-Principal Supervisor, ‘Establishing an Online Learning Community for UGFN1000’ (HK$478,000)
- TDLEG 2016–19, Co-Principal Supervisor, ‘A Collaborative Project on Peer Assisted Study Session’ (HK$500,000)
- TDLEG 2016–19, Co-Principal Supervisor, ‘Applying Socratic Method in Peer Learning’ (HK$99,950)
- TDLEG 2016–19, Co-Supervisor, ‘Grand Challenges for Global Citizens in the 21st Century’ (HK$478,695)
- MMCDG 2017, Project Member, ‘Flipping the Classrooms of the Two Foundation Courses in GEF Programme using Whiteboard Animations’ (HK$84,750)
- MMCDG 2017, Project Member, ‘Developing Micro-modules for Virtual Reality Experience in UGFN1000’ (HK$100,000)
- TDG 2015–16, Co-Principal Supervisor, ‘A Pilot Project on Peer Assisted Study Session’ (HK$300,000)
- MMCDG 2016, Project Member, ‘Building Whiteboard Animations for Flipped Classroom in GEF Courses’ (HK$99,800)
- TDLEG 2012–2015, Co-Supervisor, ‘Student-Centred Learning in General Education Foundation Programme’ (HK$249,500)
- MMCDG 2015, Project Member, ‘UGFN-animated: Flipped Classroom with Whiteboard Animations’ (HK$87,500)