- 大學通識教育部通識中國課程副主任
- 伍宜孫書院副院長暨通識教育主任
- 中國語言及文學系教授及系主任
- 中國文化研究所劉殿爵中國古籍研究中心名譽研究員
個人網頁: https://www.chi.cuhk.edu.hk/profile/prof-poon-ming-kay/
- Journal Articles:
- “On the Relationship between the Region of the Author of The Book of Songs and The Dialects: Taking Dai Zhen’s Fangyan Shuzheng as the focus of investigation”〈論《詩經》作者所屬地域與《方言》之關系——以戴震《方言疏證》為考察之重心〉, In Journal of School of Chinese Language and Culture Nanjing Normal University《南京師範大學文學院學報》, vol.2, 2024.6, pp.56-70.
- “The struggle of Confucius’ disciples”〈孔門弟子的爭鬥〉, In Thinking Through Confucius《走進孔子》, vol.1, 2024.2, pp.41-47.
- “Research on Quoting Shuo Yuan in Qunshu Zhiyao and Discussing the Significance of Collation and Compilation in the Path of National Governance”〈論《群書治要》所引《說苑》之校勘功能及其『治要』意義〉, In Journal of Huizhou University《惠州學院學報》,vol.44, no.1, 2024.2, pp.2-7.
- “We should take what the saints said as being said to us, not just as being said to others — Discussing the role of Confucius and Mencius’s Thoughts in Constructing Network Civilization”〈「須將聖人言語切己,不可只作一場話說」——論孔孟思想在建構網絡文明的作用〉, In Journal of Chinese Cultural Studies《華人文化研究》, vol.11, no.2, 2023.12, pp.175-185.
- “Classics for Today: A Review of ‘New Readings of the Classics: The Book of Changes and Lectures on Confucius’ Philosophy”〈古典今用:評《經典新讀:〈周易〉暨孔子哲學講義》〉, In Book Town《書城》, vol.213, 2024.2, pp29-37.
- Book Chapters:
- “A Comparative Study of the Tea Literature in Yi Wen Lei Ju and Tai Ping Yu Lan”〈《藝文類聚》與《太平御覽》所載「茗」類文獻比較研究〉, In Tea Culture Tour: Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Travel Writings in Chinese《茶文化之旅:第七屆世界華文旅遊文學國際學術研討會文集》, Hong Kong: Great Mountain Culture Publication Limited, 2024, pp.144-170.
- “The thousand-year-old masterpiece that makes people shed tears – Han Yu’s Eulogy to Shi-er Lang”〈催人淚下的千年絕調——韓愈《祭十二郎文》〉, In 載姜劍雲主編:《中國文學經典品鑒》(北京:高等教育出版社,2023年3月),頁93-96。
- “Study on the Citation of Zuo Zhuan in Annotations of Sun Tzu by Eleven Scholars —— Zuo Zhuan in the Eyes of the Annotators of The Art of War by Sun Tzu”〈《十一家注孫子》引《左傳》研究——《孫子兵法》注者眼中的《左傳》〉,載黃聖松主編:《第二屆《群書治要》國際學術研討會論文集》,臺北:萬卷樓,2021年10月,頁113-139。
- “On the disciples of Confucius in the mystery novels of the Six Dynasties”〈論六朝志怪小說裡之孔門弟子〉, In Proceedings of International Conference on classic shaping and text interpretation《水流花開:經典形塑與文本闡釋國際學術研討會論文集》, Shanghai: Zhongxi Press, 2019.12,pp.113-135.
- “On the similarities and differences between the Pictorial Stone Carving of Han Dynasty and the stories in the existing documents”〈論漢畫像石與傳世文獻所載故事之異同〉, In The interpretation of unearthed documents and existing documents《出土文獻與傳世典籍的詮釋》, Shanghai: Zhongxi Press, 2019.11, pp.262-295.
- PI, General Research Fund 2020/21, A research on Different Editions of Qunshu Zhiyao in Japan 日本所藏諸本《群書治要》研究, RGC, HK$328,000, 01-2021-06/2023.
- PI, General Research Fund 2016/17, A Research on the Chinese Taboo Studies in the Qing dynasty 清代避諱學研究, RGC, HK$252,400, 01/2017-12/2018.
- PI, General Research Fund 2013/14, A Research on Yan Shigu’s study of the Confucius Classics 顏師古經學考, RGC, HK$252,400, 01/2014-12/2015.