Africa as Home to Humanity: Immigration, Current Challenges and Facing the Future
講者: Lawal Mohammed MarafaScientifically, it is still debatable as to whether Africa is the origin of humanity. Although there are many documents that allude to this notion, others have assumed otherwise. Whether this is a myth or reality, that fact that Africa has seen its share of exodus from the continent cannot be disputed. In recent times, the migration out of Africa has assumed a new dimension. This trend is posing challenges to a continent full of resources and to destinations with historical connection either as colonialists or trade partners. In current times, Africa has also acquired new partners like China and India with aid and trade as items of discussion in addition to its traditional partners in this new scramble for Africa. What is the situation like on the African continent? What has it got to contribute to the global commons? In fact, who are the Africans? What are the challenges and prospects for prosperity? Seen as the last frontier of development, this presentation will seek to discuss the myths, identify the realities and highlight the challenges that confront the African continent. In conclusion, the prospects and potentials of Africa as an emerging destination of note, will be discussed.

A Plastic Ocean(電影放映會 + 映後座談會)
A Plastic Ocean 的導演兼記者克雷格利森(Craig Leeson)透過拍攝藍鯨的故事,逐步將塑料海洋的真面目呈現眼前。拍攝團隊與多名科學家和研究員前往包括香港在內的世界各地,探索塑料污染的駭人事實,並揭露全球「用完即棄」的生活方式所帶來的嚴重後果。一隻隻飽著肚餓死的動物,一個個在垃圾山裡掙扎求存的島國居民,塑料海洋所揭示的不只是環境污染和生態破壞的問題,亦帶來道德價值和人文關懷的反思。作為同住地球的家人,作為21世紀的全球公民,我們應如何面對塑料污染所帶來的種種挑戰?

講者: 關子尹悲劇之於俗世,一般人是避之則吉。焉知於古代西方,希臘人對悲劇卻甘之如飴。就有關議題,尼釆論悲劇的「誕生」之論點固膾炙人口,但尼采此外其實還言及希臘悲劇的「死亡」,甚至其「再生」!其所指者何?我們對尼釆這一說法應如何解讀?要回答這些問題,我們或可循既充滿矛盾,但又最能概括人生的「哀樂」二字稍予探求。

講者: 吳易叡精神疾病在世界各地看起來都一樣嗎?這是醫學界和人類學界爭論不休的話題。哲學家佛洛姆在他1955年著作《理性的社會》裡提到:「應該有一套放諸四海皆準的診斷工具。」二戰之後,世界衛生組織所策劃的國際社會精神醫學的跨國計畫,就是想要藉由科學方法確認精神疾病的全球一致性,並建立國際精神疾病分類診斷準則。這個充滿理想主義色彩的計畫除了受到冷戰的箝制,也仰賴五六零年代技術的成熟,更重要的是發展中國家的參與。回顧這段歷史,可讓我們檢討精神醫學在人類社會裡的角色、困境和挑戰。

The Room for Hope and Responsibility in Nature
講者: Cheung Chi Kwan Vincent and Klaus ColaneroGiven the current knowledge about the brain, does it make sense to talk about personal responsibility? Does nature allow for human responsible actions? Do the laws of physics leave any room for us to shape our future? On the other hand, if I want to hold a responsible attitude towards others’ wellbeing, can I disregard the importance of scientific knowledge of nature? What does our current scientific knowledge have to do with our interventions on the environment? What do new discoveries in neuroscience have to do with criminal law? Through their dialogue the two speakers will show possible answers and their implications.

講者: 許寶強經歷了2014年人大「八三一」的「三落閘」、「雨傘運動」退潮清場和秋後算帳、3+13上訴判刑入獄、DQ議員、修改立會規程,重大地打擊了香港民主化的希望;連續委任「醜聞纏身」者當政府高官,生態、房屋、教育、醫療、交通、退休、護老等問題不斷積累,也令不少港人,尤其是青年,失去對未來理想生活的希望。在這樣的一個「希望匱乏」的年代,如何思考「希望」?「政治」?以至「希望的政治」? 本講座借助Hannah Arendt對「極權主義」和公共政治的分析 ,以及Ghassan Hage對「希望」的分類,反思當代香港「希望匱乏」的困局,嘗試理解香港社會近年的集體情感狀態,並企圖尋找一種「希望的政治」,一種接受未來的不確定性、生命的不完美、「肯定當下的愉悦和喜樂,尋求不斷增長自身的活力和能量」的文化政治。這樣的希望和政治,也許能夠有助我們直面並回應「極權主義」的臨近。