The college system of CUHK is unique among the higher institutions in Hong Kong. Colleges are not only centres of student life with residential quarters, but are also communities where students receive pastoral care and whole-person education. This year, GE Seminars will serve as a platform for the colleges to share their insights in whole-person education, particularly their ideals of College General Education, as well as delights and dilemmas in implementing service learning and sustainability education. Experts and practitioners in service learning and sustainability education will also be invited to share their experiences and reflections.
思考中大通識教育 4.0
講者: 陳金樑教授 (常務副校長及利榮森中國文化教授)Prof. Alan K.L. Chan (Provost and J.S. Lee Professor of Chinese Culture) 2020年1月20日開設或修訂大學通識科目
講者: 趙茱莉博士 (大學通識教育部副主任)Dr. Chiu Chu Lee Julie (Associate Director, Office of University General Education) 2019年4月23日通識教育模範教學獎得獎人系列:
講者: 陳如珍博士(人類學系)Dr. Chen Ju-chen (Department of Anthropology) 2019年1月28日推廣有效的同儕學習: