SDG-SE (Social Engagement)


The social engagement component of the SDG Study Scheme encourages students to integrate their academic learning with service learning. Students are encouraged to initiate and engage in service and actions relevant to at least one SDG, and to apply and connect prior knowledge with the observations in the field to plan and take action. The aim is to make a difference in the local, regional or global community to promote the quality of life and/or the environment. Below is the list of Service Learning courses offered by different colleges.

Please note that the availability of the following courses are subject to change. Students may refer to CUSIS to confirm whether these courses are offered in a particular semester.

New Asia College (NA)

GENA1115 S-L: Integrating and Applying STEAM Skills in the Community


Lecture: Tuesdays 02:30 p.m. – 05:15 p.m.

Course Description

“Service Learning – Make a Difference to Our Community” aims to enable students to use sustainable methods to help local community or socially disadvantaged groups. In collaborating with different NGOs and university departments or research units, students will be introduced to key concepts and theories of sustainable development and explore how to apply them to proposing solutions to the needs and difficulties faced by disadvantaged groups. The course also aims to integrate service and learning experiences through community service activities. It seeks to cultivate students’ leadership skills and foster their self-awareness and empathy towards others and the community. In addition, the program also emphasizes reflection on the quality of service leadership with particular focus on intrapersonal and interpersonal competencies.

There will be different sessions under the course that focus on various aspects of sustainable development, for example, poverty, clean energy, marine pollution, etc. Through the service-learning activities, students and community members are expected to foster their cohesiveness and concerns about the local community.

Learning Outcome

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

1. Enhance understanding on sustainable concepts;

2. Understand and assess critically social disadvantage groups in Hong Kong;

3. Identify and apply sustainable development tools and strategies to address social problems;

4. Initiate and implement a community service project;

5. Acquire and apply knowledge on project development, implementation and evaluation;

6. Integrate the service learning experience with specified perspectives and theories learnt from their own disciplines;

7. Reflect on personal development in relation to their service learning experience.



Sustainable Development Goals


GENA1116 S-L: Creating a Better World through Diversity and Inclusion


A: Mondays 10:30 a.m. – 01:15 p.m.
B: Fridays 02:30 p.m. – 05:15 p.m.


A: Miss TAI Hong Hong
B: Professor HO Siu Kee

Course Description

“Service Learning – Creating a Better World through Diversity and Inclusion” aims to promote diversity and inclusion to the community. The course will create opportunities for students to get in touch with vulnerable groups or minority members in the city. By engaging in a variety of projects or activities such as in-depth visits and interviews, students are expected to understand the environment and difficulties their target groups have been facing. The course consists of lectures, service learning experiences, and self-reflection sessions. Key concepts such as openness, civility, and inclusivity will be discussed in class, while a core principle that no individual and group should be discriminated against based on race, ethnicity, geographic provenance, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, language, ability/disability, or socioeconomic status will be stressed as these values and principles are embraced by the University and are essential to social cohesion. The course also aims to integrate service and learning experiences through community service activities. It seeks to cultivate students’ leadership skills and foster their self-awareness and empathy towards others and the community. In addition, the course also emphasizes reflection on the quality of leadership that demonstrates while providing service, with the particular focus on intrapersonal and interpersonal competencies.

There will be different sessions under this course that focus on various aspects and subjects under the general theme diversity and inclusion, for example, multicultural groups, Special Educational Needs (SEN), gender equality, etc. Through the delivery of service, the students will be equipped with skills and a positive attitude to tackle social issues through collaborating with different NGO partners, and ultimately, be able to apply their knowledge and skills to real-world settings in meaningful and impactful ways.

Diversity and inclusion are crucial principles of achieving the SDG goals of “Gender Equality” and “Reducing Inequality”. By respecting different cultures and minimizing stereotypes and prejudices, it will promote an atmosphere conducive to “Good Health and Well-being” of our society, with particular concern of mental health.

Learning Outcome

Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to:

  1. Engage in service learning experiences that foster diversity and inclusion in community;
  2. Explore and understand issues related to diversity and inclusion and how they interact with community needs;
  3. Critically reflect on service learning experiences to deepen their understanding of the role of diversity and inclusion in creating a better community;
  4. Develop skills in communication, collaboration, and problem-solving through engagement with diverse communities;
  5. Foster sense of social responsibility and commitment to creating inclusive and diverse communities through service-learning;
  6. Equip with knowledge and actionable strategies to promote diversity and inclusion in their future career as community leaders and advocate



Sustainable Development Goals


GENA1117 S-L: Service Learning – Creating a Better World through Diversity and Inclusion

Course Description

To support the development of Hong Kong as an international innovation and technology hub, and foster new growth drivers and new strengths, the Chief Executive has announced in the 2022 Policy Address to step up the promotion of STEAM education in primary and secondary schools. It is important to better equip our students with 21st century competencies, unleash their potentials and nurture future I&T talents for Hong Kong, thereby enhancing Hong Kong’s international competitiveness.

“Service Learning – Integrating and Applying STEAM Skills in the Community” encourages students to illustrate and teach STEAM concepts and theories to secondary students. Motivating students to supervise and join their secondary students to promote and practise STEAM concepts with primary students through organizing workshop, project learning, thematic learning, as well as designs and inventions. The STEAM concepts include basic principles and concepts in science, programming, AI, etc. The course also aims to integrate service and learning experiences through community service activities. It seeks to cultivate students’ leadership skills, and to foster their self-awareness and empathy towards others and the community at large. In addition, the programme also emphasizes reflection on the quality of leadership that demonstrates while providing service, with the particular focus on intrapersonal and interpersonal competencies.

SDG goals “Quality Education” and “Partnerships for the Goals” will be achieved to strive for a better and more sustainable future for all. The course seeks to provide quality education to the primary and secondary school students by offering learning tools to develop their potential in order to grow into productive adults. It also encourages effective partnerships between University, secondary, and primary school students and nurtures their experience on collaboration and management of resources.

Learning Outcome

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

1. Connect their service-learning activities and experiences with the academic content of the subject;

2. Apply basic scientific and critical thinking principles to teach and demonstrate STEAM concepts in a service setting;

3. Initiate and implement a community service project;

4. Acquire and apply the relevant knowledge to project development, implementation and evaluation;

5. Integrate the service learning experiences with specified perspectives and theories learnt from their own disciplines;

6. Have reflection on personal development in relation to their service learning experiences.

Sustainable Development Goals


Shaw College (SC)

GESC2360 Environmental Justice in Action


Lecture: Fridays 02:30 p.m. – 05:15 p.m.


Dr. LI Hang

Course Description

This course adopts a service-learning approach to examine how environmental sustainability can be achieved in a fair, just, and equitable manner through impactful community service. By utilizing the environmental justice framework, students will explore how social inequalities shape the processes and outcomes of sustainable development. The focus of student service will be on making an impact in one of the four dimensions of environmental justice: identifying distributional issues related to environmental impact, recognizing the environmental needs and voices of communities, fostering community participation in sustainability-promoting activities, and developing community capabilities for environmental resilience and sustainable growth. Students will be guided to initiate service-learning projects that address social-environmental issues, for example energy poverty, food waste and food security, procurement policies, recycling, the plastic-free movement, addition/extraction in country parks, environmental education, and other related topics approved by the course instructor.

Learning Outcome

Students of this course will be able to:

  • demonstrate an understanding towards the intersection of social inequalities and environmental issues;
  • equip with conceptual tools to initiate service-learning projects to mitigate environmental problems;
  • identify distributional issues related to environmental impact;
  • recognise the environmental needs and voices of communities through service experience;
  • learn skills that foster community participation in sustainability-promoting service activities;
  • collaborate to solve social-environmental issues;
  • reflect critically on their own potential and ability to achieve sustainable development goals upon completing the service-learning projects



Sustainable Development Goals


S.H. Ho College (SH)

GESH2011 Service learning: Bringing Knowledge to Life


Lecture: Friday 02:30 p.m. – 04:15 p.m.


Miss FUNG Wing Yan

Course Description

This course is in line with GE’s goals and objectives in terms of a balanced education, intellectual development and promotion of civic-mindedness. In particular, this course provides experiential learning experiences for students to develop essential skillsets and mindsets, including problem-solving, critical thinking and resilience, for future challenges in life and work through their service. Additionally, they will further explore the potential of applying multidisciplinary knowledge and concepts of civic engagement to real-life situations. Most importantly, this course will allow students to better understand the community’s needs from a new perspective and become civically engaged citizens of the community, willing to take the initiative to create changes in society

Learning Outcome

Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to:

  • build a better understanding of the community’s needs and real-life situations;
  • develop essential skillsets and mindsets for future challenges in life and work;
  • raise self-awareness in expressing their own emotions, feelings and experiences;
  • strengthen the sense of citizenship in terms of empathy and caring for other stakeholders in the community;
  • exchange insights and knowledge through multi-disciplinary group work.



Sustainable Development Goals


GESH2012 S-L:Action towards Personhood


Lecture: Friday 02:30 p.m. – 05:15 p.m.


Dr SHIK Wai Yan Angela, Miss FUNG Wing Yan

Course Description

This course intends to integrate their academic knowledge and skills to address community needs in collaboration with local community partners. Applying the fundamental skillset and mindset equipped in GESH2011, students would implement their service-learning project in local communities. Through a series of self-initiated service, self-reflection, and project presentations, students would consolidate their insights and experience from community service and be directed to examine the meaning and value of university education in real life. This experiential learning approach would facilitate students’ self-development and foster their civic-mindedness in creating changes in the community.

Learning Outcome

Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to:

  • understand the genuine needs of the community and the real-life challenges they are facing, particularly those related to the selected SDGs of No Poverty, Zero Hunger, Good Health and Well-being, Quality Education, Reducing Inequality, and Climate Action;
  • apply multi-disciplinary skills and knowledge and concepts of civic engagement;
  • develop a strong sense of citizenship in terms of empathy and caring for other stakeholders in the community;
  • re-examine their personal development through self-discovery and self-expression.



Sustainable Development Goals


United College (UC)

GEUC4012 Social Enterprise and Innovation: Internship


Lecture: Fridays 06:30 p.m. – 09:15 p.m.


A: Dr. NG Chui Ha
B: Dr. TSE Sze Hei

Medium of Instruction


Course Description

This is an advanced experiential-learning course that will give students an opportunity to work directly for social enterprises under the guidance of their supervisors and professional mentors. Students would have opportunities to experience how the social enterprises help the underprivileged groups and gain hands-on business experience, which will strengthen their soft skills, help them implement the innovative business and promotional ideas in a practical way, and will greatly improve their understanding on the societal needs of the community, and the sustainable development directions and modes.

This course is designed to immerse students in the world of social enterprise. This course enables students to further develop career and apply leadership-ready skills in the operation of a social enterprise or social business. Students are encouraged to provide ideas to promote the designated social enterprise among the youth community, and they will also have an opportunity to undertake an internship in a real social enterprise setting.



Sustainable Development Goals


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