19 Apr, 2016 (Tue)

CUHK Students’ Approach-Avoidance Behaviours

Language: Cantonese

Speaker: Dr. Ng Wai Yin Will (Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research)

co-organized by the Office of University General Education and CLEAR




Dr. Ng Wai Yin Will had taught at the Chinese University of Hong Kong for more than 20 years. He was enthusiastic about diverse experience of teaching and research. During his year of teaching, the subjects he taught included engineering science, project management, general education, as well as guiding academic research and liberal studies topics. After resigning from teaching position, he started to focus on the basic of education, contemplating on how, what and why human learnt. He is now working on research projects related to teaching and learning in the Centre for Learning Enhancement and Research at CUHK. His focus is on learning ethos and students’ strategic learning behaviors in universities.