Dr. PANG Kam Moon
Dr. Pang received his BSc from The University of Hong Kong, MPhil and PhD from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He has been working in the Office of University General Education as Senior Lecturer since 2012, and currently serves as External Examiner and External Reviewer in various tertiary institutes, including The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong, Tung Wah College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, and as academic advisor in Program for the Gifted and Talented of Faculty of Education of CUHK and Space Observers Hong Kong. His research interests include general education, traditional Chinese astronomy, as well as popular science education. He was awarded Exemplary Teaching Award from Faculty of Science of CUHK (2010), Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education from SCGE of CUHK (2011), and Awardee of Appreciation to Outstanding Teaching Performance from Shaw College of CUHK (2019).
Courses Taught
Below are the courses I recently teach:
- “In Dialogue with Nature” offered by Office of University General Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
- “In Dialogue with Nature” offered by Tsinghua University.
- “Exploring Night Sky” offered by Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
- “Introduction to Astronomy” by The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen.
- “Perspectives in Astronomy and Astrophysics” offered by Xidian University.
Selected Publications
- 廖梁, 王永雄, 彭金滿. 〈標準參照評估的行動實踐——以香港中文大學通識教育基礎課程為案例〉. 《復旦教育論壇》 第19卷 第4期 52-59頁. 中國上海: 復旦大學, 2021.
- Yip Cheung Chan, Kam Moon Pang, Kenneth Young. “The Mathematics of Leap Years: Sophistication versus Content in Mathematics Education”. <International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology> Advance Online Publication Taylor & Francis, 2021.
- 吳俊、高莘、李洋嫻、廖梁、彭金滿、王永雄、周笑晨,〈從敘述式質化分析看通識教育與學生思維能力培養〉《大學通識教育聯盟 通識教育研究論文》. 復旦通識教育, 2021 — 論文獲特等獎. https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/YYqjGFFUu9FQPaY3pkcLBA
- 王永雄、彭金滿,〈“與自然對話”通識課的國際化〉《大學通識教育聯盟 通識教育研究論文》. 復旦通識教育, 2021 — 論文獲二等獎. https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/YYqjGFFUu9FQPaY3pkcLBA
- 王永雄,彭金滿,陳天機《天問:宇宙真貌的探索》(Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, 2013).
Research Projects
Below are recent research projects in which I serve as the principal investigator or co-principal investigator:
- Principal Investigator, Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (Ref#: 4170997) for “An Online Bilingual Glossary in Support of Language Alignment in General Education Foundation (GEF) Classes”.
- Co-Principal Investigator, Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (Ref#: 4170728) for “In Dialogue with Nature”: Our Quest for a Better World”.