The aim of GE Salon is to explore issues of common human concern from cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural perspectives, with a view to encouraging students to reflect upon questions related to the contemporary world and to foster intellectual discussions on campus.

2016-17 Try.Feel.Seek

Love and Pain: From Bereavement to Separation in Life

Speaker: Chan Chi-ho, Wallace

We would like to avoid death and bereavement. But paradoxically, life is full of losses and separation. If love may bring us pain during separation, dare we love? Does death bring us fears or make us better understand love? Let us face ourselves honestly at this special night, and experience the personal growth with love and pain together.

2016-17 Try.Feel.Seek

Emotional Education through the Education of Nature

Speaker: Lee Oi Yee

一班學生,一個導師,走進大自然,自然教學便會產生?那是一種怎樣的情感?那是自然而然產生。 甚麼是自然教學?自然教學裏的情感如何產生?是探究?是提升?導師所扮演的角色是甚麼?

2015-16 Ten Theses on Freedom

On Liberal Education

Speaker: Leung Mei Yee


2015-16 Ten Theses on Freedom

Colonialism and Liberalism

Speaker: Law Wing Sang


2015-16 Ten Theses on Freedom

On Liberty

Speaker: Chow Po Chung


2015-16 Ten Theses on Freedom

On Academic Freedom

Speaker: Choi Po King
