The aim of GE Salon is to explore issues of common human concern from cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural perspectives, with a view to encouraging students to reflect upon questions related to the contemporary world and to foster intellectual discussions on campus.

2014-15 Pursuit for Truth

The Big Bang

Speaker: Prof. Kenneth Young

It is now accepted that the universe began with a Big Bang.  The Big Bang model, implicit in the Hubble expansion observed in the 1930s and firmly established with the discovery of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) in 1964, is now part of the classical canon.  Some astonishing  advances have been made in precision cosmology in recent years: age of the universe to (nearly) 4 significant figures; acceleration of cosmological expansion and gravitational repulsion at large distances; new forms of matter and energy, previously unknown, accounting for 96% of the universe; and firm knowledge of the history of the universe back to very early times.  One theme will be the displacement of speculation by accurate measurements and the emergence of cosmology as a precision observational science.

2014-15 Pursuit for Truth

From High Speed Rail to the Bridge: The Conflict between Hong Kong and China

Speaker: Mr. Lai Kwong Tak


2014-15 Pursuit for Truth

Truth in Literature

Speaker: Chan Wai Yee


2014-15 Pursuit for Truth

On Journalism – In Pursuit of Truth

Speaker: Lam Kin Seng (Reporter, China Team, CableTV),
Chum Shun Kin (Senior Reporter, Mingpao),
Lam Oi Wan (Co-founder of; Editor of Global Voices)


2014-15 Pursuit for Truth

On Global Warming

Speaker: Prof. Lau Ngar Cheung

A description is offered in layman language on the basic scientific principles of global warming induced by human activities. The impacts of climate change on various components of the Earth System (atmosphere, ocean, land, cryosphere, etc.) are reviewed. The scientific research tools and methodology used to understand the current state of the climate system, and to project its evolution in the coming decades, are introduced. The role of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in coordinating and documenting the efforts of the scientific community is explained. The experience and observations of the speaker in contributing to the work of the IPCC during the past two decades are shared with the audience. An account is given of the social controversies surrounding the IPCC reports, with reflections of the personal hardships faced by several climate scientists in these debates.

2014-15 Pursuit for Truth

How is History Written? — Political Interpretation and Historical Interpretation of the May Fourth Movement

Speaker: Prof. Chen I-ai (Director of the Center for General Education of Tunghai University)
