The aim of GE Salon is to explore issues of common human concern from cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural perspectives, with a view to encouraging students to reflect upon questions related to the contemporary world and to foster intellectual discussions on campus.

2014-15 Pursuit for Truth

On Global Warming

Speaker: Prof. Lau Ngar Cheung

A description is offered in layman language on the basic scientific principles of global warming induced by human activities. The impacts of climate change on various components of the Earth System (atmosphere, ocean, land, cryosphere, etc.) are reviewed. The scientific research tools and methodology used to understand the current state of the climate system, and to project its evolution in the coming decades, are introduced. The role of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in coordinating and documenting the efforts of the scientific community is explained. The experience and observations of the speaker in contributing to the work of the IPCC during the past two decades are shared with the audience. An account is given of the social controversies surrounding the IPCC reports, with reflections of the personal hardships faced by several climate scientists in these debates.

2014-15 Pursuit for Truth

How is History Written? — Political Interpretation and Historical Interpretation of the May Fourth Movement

Speaker: Prof. Chen I-ai (Director of the Center for General Education of Tunghai University)


2014-15 Pursuit for Truth

Rule of Law

Speaker: Prof. Tai Yiu Ting Benny


2014-15 Pursuit for Truth

Balancing the Pursuit of Scientific Truth

Speaker: Prof. Danny Chan

Life and our understanding of life are being investigated using state-of-the-art technologies in biology and genetics. These together with big data collections are moving at phenomenal speed. What we could and should do is a balancing act for many scientists. “Trust” is at the heart of scientific pursuit of knowledge and the “truth”. Temptation, curiosity, greed, pressure and ignorance can lead us down the wrong path. The future of the next generation can change on the basis of this balancing act. What should we do?

2014-15 Pursuit for Truth

The Science and Philosophy of Opinion Polling

Speaker: Dr. Chung Ting Yiu Robert

天地有理,人間有情。 民意求真,科學處世。 在這中西合璧、龍蛇混雜的社會, 如何承繼科學與民主的追求? 六四七一三二三……或有啟示。

2014-15 Pursuit for Truth

Capital in the Twenty First Century

Speaker: Mr. Leung Kwok Hung and Mr. Jasper Tsang Yuk-sing