The aim of GE Salon is to explore issues of common human concern from cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural perspectives, with a view to encouraging students to reflect upon questions related to the contemporary world and to foster intellectual discussions on campus.

2010-11 Classics for Today III

What is Enlightenment? From Immanuel Kant to Michel Foucault

Speaker: Lau Kwok Ying

二十世紀法國哲學家米歇爾•傅柯(Michel Foucault, 1926-1984)被視為後現代思潮的大旗手,卻於晚年重新發問德國哲學家康德(Immanuel Kant, 1724-1804)於1784年已經提出的「何謂啟蒙?」這一問題,並宣稱康德是把哲學實踐顯現成批判風骨的先驅。把康德和傅柯的〈何謂啟蒙?〉一文一起閱讀,可以看出後現代思潮與現代批判意識之間的承傳和轉化關係。

2010-11 Classics for Today III

Incompleteness: Godel, Escher, Bach and Godel’s Proof

Speaker: Cheung Leung Fu

In 1931, the young Austrian mathematician K. Godel announced a result which changed the humanity’s understanding of mathematics forever. In 1956, Nagel and New published a non-technical article in the magazine Scientific American which explained the proof of Godel. Two years later, the two authors expanded this article to a wonderful little book Godel’s Proof, which motivated the bestseller “Godel, Escher, Bach by Hofstadter.

2010-11 Classics for Today III

Death Becomes Her: The Suicide of Cleopatra in Literature and Art

Speaker: Robert Gurval

The suicide of Cleopatra has bequeathed to western culture one of the most famous and memorable death scenes in literature, drama and the visual arts of painting, sculpture and film. The traditional story derives chiefly from the rich narrative of Plutarch’s biography of Mark Antony. Its action is driven by multiple themes of deception, deliberation, and death. The climactic moment, of course, is the bite of the asp. Surveying the literary and visual representations of Cleopatra’s dramatic death, from Horace’s celebrated Cleopatra Ode to the HBO cable network series Rome, this lecture will explore the potent symbolism of the suicide in classical antiquity and subsequent eras. It will try to answer the question whether her final act of dying by the serpent’s bite redeems Cleopatra and death becomes her.

2010-11 Classics for Today III

The Bible

Speaker: Eric Wong

This talk discusses the historical position of the Bible, reviews its impact as a sacred document, as well as literature. Program Outline I.  Its Historical Position Christianity Judaism II.  As Sacred Document Over 2000 years [changed lives; influenced West civilization] C18th/19th [influenced also the East] C 20th/21st  [Post WW2: from evangelism shifting to dialogue] III.  As a Literature Reconstruction of the TEXT NT & OT Linguistic and Conceptual Characteristic, an Illustration

2010-11 Classics for Today III

The Epic of Gilgamesh

Speaker: Wong Kim Fan
2010-11 Classics for Today III

Henri Poincaré, Science and Hypothesis

Speaker: Wong Wing Hung

彭加勒 (Henri Poincaré, 1852-1912) 是法國數學家,他對相對論、混沌學 (chaos)、天體力學、拓樸學 (topology)、三體問題 (three-body problem) 等都有基礎性的貢獻。他是惟一同時在法國科學院 (French Academy of Sciences) 五個學部獲選為會員的科學家。他的著作甚多,既有專業的學術論文,也有科普著作。要認識彭加勒,讀者可以從《科學與假設》(Science and Hypothesis) 入手。這本書共分為四大篇:數與量、空間、力、自然界,內容可說是包羅萬有。他提出了很多最使科學家感到頭痛的問題:究竟數學在甚麼意義上是科學?我們憑藉甚麼把經驗變成數據?既然實驗數據只得有限組,為何科學家仍然敢於把它們概括為適用於全宇宙的原理?他的解答,總是字字珠璣,而且流露科學家的純真,這就是彭加勒的書引人入勝之處。