The aim of GE Salon is to explore issues of common human concern from cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural perspectives, with a view to encouraging students to reflect upon questions related to the contemporary world and to foster intellectual discussions on campus.
The Vitality of Social Movements under Authoritarianism
Speaker: Francis L.F. Lee自六月起,香港出現了一場前所未見的社會運動,從反對《逃犯條例》修訂出發,在沒有中心組織作領導的狀態下,運動的形態和行動模式不停流變。我們可以如何理解這場運動所展現的生命力?參與者強調「不割席,不分化」,但實際上如何能夠做到保持團結?抗爭行動越見激烈的同時,示威者在意識形態上又有甚麼演變?這場運動舉世矚目,它對社會運動研究可以有甚麼啟示?三個月過去了,我們也許可以為這場運動做一個小結。
2018-19 Home. Homeland. HomecomingMars: Future Homeland for Humans?
Speaker: Leung Po Kin作為地球在宇宙中的鄰居,火星自古以來已吸引人類的注意。在科幻小說和電影裏更有人類登陸火星探索,甚至是移居火星的情節。近年來大型望遠鏡的觀察,以及過去50多年多個火星探測器的發現,讓火星成為地球之外我們最深入認識的行星。另外隨著太空科技和火箭的發展,載人的火星之旅看來不再是遙不可及。火星會否成為人類在太陽系裏的另一個家?
2018-19 Home. Homeland. HomecomingChasing Coral (Screening + Sharing)
2018-19 Home. Homeland. HomecomingBorn in Syria (Screening + Sharing)
2018-19 Home. Homeland. HomecomingSnuggle (Screening + Sharing)
Speaker: Wong Siu Pong (Film Director) 2018-19 Home. Homeland. HomecomingMigrant Crisis in Europe
Speaker: Chan Ka Lok KennethMigration is said to be the number one political issue in Europe. It is a divisive issue between EU member states and for the citizens at large. The 2018 United Nations Pact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration has unexpectedly triggered a new round of protests and discontents within Europe, albeit the need for a global effort to improving cooperation on international migration is larger than ever. Anti-EU populism across the continent looks set to take advantage of the upcoming European Parliament elections to expand its power in the policy-making process not only on migration but also the future direction of European integration. Arguably, the migrant crisis in Europe has threatened the post-war liberal order with a geopolitics of emotions.