2015年1月26日 (一)


語言: Cantonese

講者: Prof. Chu Ming Chung (Dept. of Physics)


科學方法的本質:強調科學理論可證偽的重要。 科學發展的歷史:以物理學史上的幾個重大變革,示範批判性思考的重要。 鼓勵思想自由馳騁:科學家的「瘋狂」想法,不怕打破常規的例子 。 實際教學及考核上的一些經驗。


Prof. Chu Ming Chung obtained his B.Sc. and PhD degrees both at California Institute of Technology (Caltech). Prof. Chu held research positions at MIT and Caltech before joining CUHK in 1995. His current research interest includes astrophysics, cosmology, and particle physics. Prof. Chu is awardee of the 2000 Vice-Chancellor’s Exemplary Teaching Award, the 2012 University Education Award, and the 2000, 2007 and 2008 Exemplary Teaching Award of the Faculty of Science. Prof. Chu has been teaching GE courses for 19 years.