
GE Foundation Programme

GE Foundation Programme consists of two courses, In Dialogue with Humanity (UGFH 1000) and In Dialogue with Nature (UGFN 1000), in which students, through the study of classics, engage in dialogues with Nature and Humanity to explore the world of science, technology and nature, and reflect on the ideal society and the good life.

The learning outcomes of the two Foundation courses are stated below.


Learning Outcomes for In Dialogue with Humanity:

By the end of the course, students should be able to:

  • comprehend and discuss selected texts which address perennial issues that concern humanity;
  • articulate and understand classical views on good life and good society and their contemporary relevance;
  • analyze the ideas of good life and good society from multiple perspectives;
  • relate views and arguments in selected texts to contemporary human conditions;
  • develop informed personal views with justification on desirable life and ideal society


Learning Outcomes for In Dialogue with Nature:

By the end of the course, students should be able to:

  • comprehend and discuss selected texts related to science, technology and nature;
  • identify the essential characteristics of how human beings view Nature;
  • formulate informed personal views on the societal implications of scientific explorations;
  • relate the developments in natural sciences highlighted in the course to contemporary human conditions;
  • evaluate the scopes of application, achievements and limitations of highlighted scientific methods.