通識教育模範教學獎 2015
時間: 3:30pm - 5:15pm
地點: 香港中文大學邵逸夫堂留足展覽廳

Professor Chan Chi Ho, Wallace has been teaching in the Department of Social Work at The Chinese University of Hong Kong since 2010. He developed a new general education course, UGED1602 “Living with grief: Understanding death, dying and bereavement” in the academic year of 2012-2013. He treasures the communication and interactions with students much. He received also the Exemplary Teaching Award of the Faculty of Social Science in 2012 and the Young Researcher Award of the University in 2014.
I am honored to receive the Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education and am really thankful. This award is particularly meaningful for me, as it is given for my teaching of the course UGED1602 Living with grief: Understanding death, dying, and bereavement.
About six years ago, when I started my work at CUHK, I had a dream—a dream of developing a course on the topic of death, dying and bereavement. I once said that, “if possible, I hope that we may not need to learn about this topic only when we experience the most painful moment—the death of a loved one.” In the second term of 2012–13, my dream came true, and this course was finally offered.
To be honest, the title of this course, “Living with grief”, reflects to a great extent my teaching philosophy. If grief is part of our human experience, how can we face this experience in our life? I invite students to review, reflect on, and explore how we may face our own grief. Do we need to deny grief? Do we need to fight against grief? Or, may we accept grief as part of our personal growth and still say “yes” to life? A key question that I invite students to explore in this course is, “How may we live with grief but also live a meaningful life?”
Understanding death, dying and bereavement also gives me an insight into life: “Time is limited”. Death may bring us fears and tears but also a sense of urgency to make the best use of our time. Time is limited. How can we make the best use of time in this course? This teaching motto reminds us to treasure the time we are together in the course. It is also my invitation to the students: Search for the meaning of studying in the course, particularly in the context of limited time. In this way, I try to enhance students’ responsibility for their own learning. I invite them to make the course more meaningful together with me: It is not just a course; it is “our” course.
“Time is limited” also facilitates my reflection on what the most important thing is in teaching. With limited time, what should be emphasized? As a social work teacher, I think the essence is “values”. Depending on the nature of the course, we may have to impart different knowledge and skills. Yet, without understanding our values, such as our concern for those who are disadvantaged and our unconditional positive regard for human beings in general, this knowledge and these skills lose their real meaning. That’s why I make use of different learning methods. I dedicate songs to students in the lecture, or show video clips, and help them to reflect on their values in life and for humanity. Death is not special, and in fact it happens every day. But death is important, as it reflects our genuine concerns for humanity and life. Genuineness is important in my teaching as a social work teacher. I have realized that my teaching philosophy is something that I not only “teach” but also something that I genuinely “live”. Without living the teaching philosophy, I cannot set a good example of being a genuine social work teacher.
I really treasure the opportunity of meeting different students in the GE course. Some of them are interested in the topic of death and bereavement and would like to know more. Some attend this course with their own unique bereavement experience. I am thankful that I have a chance to witness their personal reflections and growth in this course.
I would like to say this course, “Living with grief”, is not only about death, dying and bereavement but also about life, living and meaning. I always share a teaching motto with students, “Time is limited”, but add this at the end of the course: “Time is limited, but limited enough to make our life meaningful”.

Dr. Lee Kit Ying, Rebecca obtained her BSc and PhD degrees in Biochemistry from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. She is currently Lecturer in the School of Biomedical Sciences, experienced in teaching biochemistry, cell biology and physiology. Dr. Lee has been teaching the University General Education course UGEB2791 “Perspectives in Clinical Sciences” since 2008. She is enthusiastic in teaching and received the Teacher of the Year Award of the Faculty of Medicine in 2009-10, 2013-14 and 2014-15.
I am very honored to receive the Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education. This award not only recognizes my achievements, but also motivates me to continue to devote my best efforts in teaching.
“Different teaching approaches are needed to explain the same concept to students with different backgrounds”
When I was a kid, I did not dream of being a teacher. During my postgraduate studies in biochemistry, I got a lot of opportunities to teach, which inspired me to become a teacher. From these experiences, I came to realize that different teaching approaches are needed to explain the same concept to students with different backgrounds. This is particularly true in teaching general education courses. I found that teaching medically-related topics to students from different disciplines and with diverse backgrounds can be extremely challenging. I always endeavor to engage and motivate my students during class by using a variety of teaching tools and techniques. For example, the use of the instant classroom response system (uReply) enables teachers getting immediate feedback on students’ understanding towards difficult concepts, and the development of the tailor-made teaching courseware of UGEB2791 “Perspectives in Clinical Sciences” facilitates students’ learning process. Using movies in class is also effective for arousing students’ interest in medical topics. I use the movie “Summer Snow” 《女人四十》 for teaching Alzheimer’s disease, and the Hollywood movie “The Island” to bring out problems in human cloning. In order to cater for different students’ need, it is necessary to adjust the level of the course from time to time.
“I always remind myself to think like I was a student”
General education at CUHK is fun because students can pick any courses that they find interesting to explore, to go beyond their own field of study. I enjoy teaching the course UGEB2791 “Perspectives in Clinical Sciences”, and would like to help students to develop their interest in medical topics. To understand the students’ interest and expectation for the course, a student expectation questionnaire is formulated and distributed to them at the beginning of the term. Students can tell me what they want to learn in my course, and I will modify the course contents slightly every year to cater for their interests.
I always remind myself to think like I was a student. As teachers, we can sometimes get very excited when talking about the subject that we are familiar with. We might forget what it was like when we learn a new concept for the first time. We need to teach slowly as not all the students have a fundamental understanding of a concept, they might need more time to digest the new knowledge. I am so grateful that my students are always willing to share their thoughts with me. They once told me that it was difficult to read the words clearly on the white board for those who sat at the back of the lecture theatre, and PowerPoint slides with a light background would help them to jot notes easier (and to save ink for printing as well!). I discover that there are many small areas that teachers might have missed! I believe that teaching is a life-long learning process for myself, and students can be a good teacher in that sense because they teach me how to become a better teacher. I enjoy talking with my students, and, from time to time, I learn from them as well.
“To become a T.E.A.C.H.E.R.”
This is how I interpret the word “TEACHER”:
Teaching: to teach the students
Engagement: to engage students during class
Assistance: to assist those who have difficulties in learning
Creativity: to teach creatively and make learning fun
Hearty: to be enthusiastic and enjoy teaching
Encouragement: to encourage students to develop a positive learning attitude
Reflectiveness: to become a self-reflective teacher and always strive for improvement
I believe that teachers are not only responsible for passing on knowledge of a subject, but also helping students to develop a positive attitude towards learning because it is a lifelong process. My ultimate goal for my teaching career is to help students to take on their own initiatives and inspire them to become active learners throughout their lives. I regard it an achievement of mine if students can apply what they have learnt in my class to solve problems in their daily lives.
