2022年4月4日 (一)

[通識午間講座] 全人教育與校園文化建設

形式:ZOOM網上講座 Online via ZOOM

語言:英文 English



中大十分重視學生的全人發展,旨在以正規課程輔以非形式教學提升學生及畢業生質素。本次通識午間講座從以下幾個角度探討全人教育與校園文化建設的理念與實踐: 1)如何將全人教育融入書院特別是透過疫情期間的寄宿生活; 2)如何幫助學生在恢復正常校園住宿後適應校園生活;和 3)線上教學期間如何滿足學生對大學生活的期望 Abstract Whole-person education is always emphasized in CUHK as a goal of both formal curriculum and non-formal education contributing to the overall quality of our students and graduates. This seminar explores the idea and implementation of whole-person education and campus culture building on following perspectives: 1) how to incorporate whole-person education in College, especially through residential life in pandemic period; 2) how to help students to adapt to campus life after the resumption of regular campus accommodation; and 3) how to meet students' expectations on university life during the period of online teaching and learning


招志明博士(善衡書院通識教育主任) 招博士現任香港中文大學生命科學學院高級講師,在中大學習和工作超過30年。他深信個人成長與學術教育同等重要,多年來熱心地為香港青年協會、教育局、考試及評核局等組織的活動擔任導師。 2017年,招博士加入善衡書院作為書院通識教育主任,旨在通過體驗式學習活動培養青少年的心理健康。 此外,招博士曾榮獲2012通識教育模範教學獎及學院模範教學獎。 何素楠教授(晨興書院協理院長、舍監兼通識教育主任) 何素楠教授現任香港中文大學晨興書院協理院長、舍監兼通識教育主任。她取得中國文學哲學博士學位,在加入中大晨興書院之前,她已具有十年教授文學、電影和語言的經驗。她負責大學招生、海外交流和服務學習計劃,任教大學通識教育課程,並與她的初級研究員和常駐導師團隊合作,致力為所有晨興書院的學生提供多元化的大學宿舍生活。 Speaker Dr. Lawrence CHIU Chi-ming (Dean of General Education, S.H. Ho College) Dr. Lawrence Chiu is a Senior Lecturer in School of Life Sciences who has been studying and working in CUHK for more than 30 years. With a belief that personal growth is of same importance as academic education, Dr. Chiu has been enthusiastic in serving as mentors in activities organized by Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, Education Bureau, Examination and Assessment Authority, etc. over years. In 2017, Dr. Chiu joined S.H. Ho College as Dean of General Education, aiming to nurture adolescents' mental wellness through experiential learning activities. He received the Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education and the Faculty of Science Exemplary Teaching Award in 2012. Prof. Ann Huss (Associate Master, Dean of General Education & Warden, Morningside College) Ann Huss is the Associate Master, Dean of General Education and Warden of Morningside College. She received her PhD in Modern Chinese Literature and taught literature, film and language for a decade before taking up her current post. She directs college admissions, overseas exchange and service learning programmes, teaches College General Education courses, and collaborates with her team of Junior Fellows and Resident Tutors to provide an intellectually rigorous and culturally vibrant residential college experience for all Morningside students.

