Born in Syria(電影放映會 + 映後座談會)

語言: 粵語及英語主講

影片: 影片


* 是次活動與聯合國難民署合辦


Since civil war started in Syria in 2011, an estimated 9 million Syrians have fled their homes, half of them children. These children have fled unimaginable horror: the indiscriminate bombings of Bachar Al Assad’s government, and ISIS’ raping and beheading, only to find themselves trapped in makeshift camps or closed borders. We witness the journey of these refugees to the promised land of Europe.

導演: Jeff Orlowski | 字幕: 中文 | 片長: 89 分鐘


葉家威,牛津大學政治學博士,香港浸會大學政治及國際關係學系助理教授。曾任香港中文大學大學通識教育部講師、政治與行政學系及公共政策碩士課程兼任講師。著有 Egalitarianism and Global Justice: From a Relational Perspective 及《全球正義與普世價值》(合著)。