I have obtained the “Laurea” (MPhil equivalent) in Physics at the University of L’Aquila (Italy) in 1994, with a research thesis on “Quantum electrodynamics on space-time lattice”, the PhD in Physics at The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2001 with a research thesis on “A dynamical hadron bag model”, the Postgraduate Diploma in Education programme at the Hong Kong Institute of Education in 2006, and an Interfaculty Master’s degree (MA/MPhil equivalent) in Logic, History, and Philosophy of Science at the University of Florence (Italy) in 2012 with a research thesis on “Decoherence and definite outcomes in quantum mechanics”.
Before joining the General Education Foundation Programme of CUHK (2012), academic interests and life choices have led me to work and serve in a variety of fields and roles including as a postdoctoral research fellow at the Baptist University of Hong Kong (2001-2003) and as a secondary school teacher at La Salle College, Hong Kong, (2004-2008).
What has never changed throughout the years is my drive in forming a more integrated and more rigorous understanding of the world, and my wish of contributing such a knowledge to as many people as possible.
Since January 2012 I have been teaching the mandatory general education course “In Dialogue with Nature”. In recent years I have been also teaching the complementary mandatory course “In Dialogue with Humanity” here at CUHK and, as an invited lecturer, the “Philosophy of Nature” course for the Diploma in Philosophy of the Holy Spirit Seminary College, Hong Kong.
My main academic interests are:
- Science education, science and values, relationship between science and religion;
- Transdisciplinary education;
- Philosophy of physics.
- “In Dialogue with Nature” (CUHK – UGFN1000)
- “In Dialogue with Humanity” (CUHK – UGFH1000)
- (“Philosophy of nature” – PH103 at the Holy Spirit Seminary College as invited lecturer)
- K. Colanero, K.M. Kiang, The Nature-Knowledge-Values Framework – A Pedagogical Tool for Teaching NOS in Tertiary Education, The Future of Knowledge -The Role of Epistemic Insight in Interdisciplinary Learning, ed. B. Billingsley, K. Chappell, and S. Simpson, Bloomsbury Academic, 2024. https://www.bloomsburycollections.com/monograph-detail?docid=b-9781350383944&pdfid=9781350383944.0023.pdf&tocid=b-9781350383944-chapter9 [Book Chapter]
- K.M. Kiang, K. Colanero, A Classics Reading approach to nurture epistemic insight in a multidisciplinary and higher education context, Science Education in the 21st Century – Re-searching Issues that Matter From Different Lenses, ed. T.W. Teo, A.L. Tan, and Y.S. Ong, Springer Nature, Singapore, 2020. [Book Chapter]
- K. Colanero. Decoherence and definite outcomes – Their relation and distinct natures, Lo Scrigno di Prometeo, 132 pgs., Rome, Aracne, 2019.07, ISBN: 978-88-255-2120-7. [Book]
- S. Redaelli, K. Colanero. Le due culture – Due approcci oltre la dicotomia. Novecento inquieto 1-172 pgs., Rome, Aracne, 2016.11, ISBN: 978-88-548-9863-9. [Book]
- K. Colanero, The nature of scientific knowledge and its relevance for our choice of interventions on Nature, Roma, pp. 55-57, (in:) proceedings of the conference Relazionalità naturale e coscienza ambientale, edited by L. Fiorani, (Castel Gandolfo 2014), 2014. Accessible at https://www.pubblicazioni.enea.it/download.html?task=download.send&id=413:relazionalita-naturale-e-coscienza-ambientale&catid=3.
- K. Colanero, M.-C. Chu, “A dynamical chiral bag model“, Phys. Rev. C, 65 (2002) 045203.
- K. Colanero, M.-C. Chu ,“Analytical solution of the dynamical spherical MIT bag“, J. Phys. A, 35 (2002) 993.
- K. Colanero, M.-C. Chu, “Energy focusing inside a dynamical cavity“, Phys. Rev. E, 62 (2000) 8663.
- K. Colanero, M.-C. Chu, “The Schrödinger particle in an oscillating spherical cavity“, Phys. Rev. A, 60 (1999) 1845.
- Principal Investigator for the CUHK TDLEG project “Developing an AI argument recognition tool for a KeyWord-in-Context-based method to assess students’ understanding of specific concepts”, 2024-2025.
- Principal Investigator (Co-Investigator before July 2024) for the CUHK TDLEG project “Evaluation of the Revision of the General Education Foundation Programme”, 2023-2025.
- Ongoing general research: Development and assessment of the Nature-Knowledge-Values transdisciplinary pedagogical framework.
- Co-Investigator for the project “Literature and Science: dialogue, beyond the metaphors, between the two cultures in Italian contemporary literature”. Grant “SONATA: PhD holder grants”, grant no. 2012/07/D/HS2/03673 (Principal Investigator: Stefano Redaelli).
The project has been successfully concluded in October 2016 with the publication of a peer-reviewed book and other academic works.