GAO Xin received her B.A. (History, 2001) and M.Phil. (History, 2004) from Shandong University, and Ph. D. from the Chinese University of Hong Kong (2007).
She has served as research associate at Institute of Sino-Christian Studies (Hong Kong) before joining the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2012. She now serves as Lecturer at Office of University of General Education, the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Her academic interests include teaching classics in general education, theories and practice in mindfulness, narrative and qualitative research higher education, ideas and history of liberal arts education/ general education and Christian higher education.
UGFH1000 In Dialogue with Humanity
UGED2297 Understanding in Practice: From Meditation to Mindfulness
GENA1113 Students-Oriented Teaching and Seminar (New Asia College General Education Course)
CNEO-UGFH1099 Reading Humanity
Books Authored/ Co-authored
- 賴品超, 高莘著,《誰的宗教? 何種改革? : 十六世紀宗教改革的多元性與政治性》( 香港 : 明風出版 2017). (Lai Pan-Chiu, GAO Xin, Whose Religion? Which Reform? : Pluralistic and Political Characters of the Reformation in the 16th Century (Hong Kong: Mingfeng Press, 2017))
- 高莘著,《約翰·亨利·紐曼的大學理念與其宗教思想之關係》(香港:香港中文大學天主教研究中心,2010)。
Edited Works
- 楊熙楠,林子淳,高莘合編,《傳承與發展——第四屆漢語基督教研究圓桌會議論文集》(香港:道風書社,2012).
Selected Journal Articles/Book chapters
- 吳俊,高莘,李洋嫻,廖梁,彭金满,王永雄,〈從叙述式質化分析看通識教育與學生思維能力培養〉(《通識教育評論》,2023,即將出版)。
- 梁卓恒、高莘,〈人文經典教育與價值實踐〉,載於梁卓恒、劉保禧、李駿康編,《字裡人間:人文經典與通識教育》(香港:香港中文大學出版社,2021),頁5-24。
- 高莘,〈基督教在近代中國:文化的衝突、共存與交融〉,載於賴品超主編,《從文化全球化看中外宗教交流史》(香港:香港中文大學崇基書院宗教與中國社會研究中心,2018),頁277-346。( Christianity in modern China: Cultural Conflict, Co-existence and hybridization, in History of the Exchanges among Chinese and Foreign Religions in the Perspective of Globalization of Culture (Hong Kong: Centre for the Study of Religion and Chinese Society, Chung Chi College, 2018), pp. 277-346)
- Julie C. L., Chiu, S. H., Fong, W. M. Ho, Samson P. N. Kwok, and Andy C. Yu, “DAIMON—a mobile app for In Dialogue with Humanity at The Chinese University of Hong Kong,” in W. Fok & V. W. Li (Eds.), Teaching and Learning with Technology: Proceedings of the 2016 Global Conference on Teaching and Learning with Technology (CTLT 2016), Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co.
- GAO Xin, “Martha C. Nussbaum, Not for Profit: Why Democracy Needs the Humanities”, in Frontiers of Philosophy in China, 2012, 7(3).
- 高莘,〈從雅典到耶路撒冷——古希臘教化(paideia)的演變及早期基督宗教對其的傳承〉(《宗教學研究》,2012年第2期),頁220-226.
- 高莘,〈中國內地基督教研究的新一代學人的初步調查〉,《傳承與發展——第四屆漢語基督教研究圓桌會議論文集》,楊熙楠,林子淳,高莘合編(香港:道風書社,2012)。
- Co-Investigator, Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (TDLEG) for 2022-2025 Triennium, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Ref#: 4171001): “A Compendium of Introductions and Reading Guides to the Revised Course Books for In Dialogue with Humanity and In Dialogue with Nature“
- Co-Investigator, Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant for 2019-22, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Ref#: 4170748):MASCOT: A Mobile Application for Students’ Complexity of Thinking during the period 2020-11 to 2022-01.
- Co-Investigator, Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (TDLEG) for 2016-19 Triennium, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Ref#: 4170501): Teaching Development and Language Enhancement for Micro-Modules of Reflective Journal Writing for University General Education Foundation Programme.
- Co-Investigator, Courseware Development Grant Scheme “CDGS” (2014-15) (Ref#: 4170423) , Academic IT Steering Committee (AITSC) for TDG 2012-15: Courseware Development Grant Scheme – An e-Learning App for Comprehension of Classic Texts and Self-Evaluation.