Chasing Coral(電影放映會 + 映後座談會)

Born in Syria(電影放映會 + 映後座談會)

Snuggle (Screening + Sharing)
講者: Wong Siu Pong (Film Director)
講者: 陳家洛移民問題在歐洲已成為頭號政治難題,造成歐盟成員國之間的分歧,各地也飽受立場對立的民眾產生的爭吵所困擾。縱使在聯合國層面各國政府就此議題達成了一份新協議,在保障各國主權的前提下回應了國際社會的多項訴求並促進多邊合作,歐洲內部反移民情緒藉此引發新一輪抗議。反歐盟的民粹主義浪潮誓將積極投入今年中的歐洲議會換屆選舉,以期影響歐盟的移民政策及調整歐洲整合的大方向。歐洲近年的移民危機觸發了情緒主導的地緣政治,已正面威脅著戰後自由世界秩序。

Ethnic and Cultural Identity in Hong Kong and the World
講者: Gordow MathewsThis talk first goes over the meanings of ethnic and cultural identity, and then explores ethnic and cultural identity in Hong Kong. Can a South Asian who has grown up in Hong Kong be a Hongkonger? Can an African asylum seeker be a Hongkonger? Can a mainland Chinese graduate student at CUHK be a Hongkonger? Can I be a Hongkonger? What is a Hongkonger? On the basis of extensive discussion among all present at the talk, we then analyze how ethnic and cultural identity are increasingly not given but chosen, as choices from a global cultural supermarket. What, then, does this mean for the future of Hong Kong as a global/Chinese metropolis?

《老鷹想飛》(電影放映會 + 映後座談會)
講者: Liang Chieh-Te (Film Director)