The college system of CUHK is unique among the higher institutions in Hong Kong. Colleges are not only centres of student life with residential quarters, but are also communities where students receive pastoral care and whole-person education. This year, GE Seminars will serve as a platform for the colleges to share their insights in whole-person education, particularly their ideals of College General Education, as well as delights and dilemmas in implementing service learning and sustainability education. Experts and practitioners in service learning and sustainability education will also be invited to share their experiences and reflections.
友儕輔學時間 (Peer Assisted Study Session, PASS) 研討會
講者: Prof. Sally Rogan (National PASS Trainer for Australia & NZ; Manager, First Year & Transition Programs; Student Services, University of Wollongong (UOW), NSW, Australia)
「成果為本」的教學方法 (Outcomes-Based Approaches):一些實際考慮
講者: Prof Shekhar Madhukar Kumta (Faculty of Medicine, CUHK)
Been There, Done That: Personal Reflections on Building a Culture of Assessment
講者: Prof. Mark Gaylord (Visiting Scholar, School of Law)
講者: Prof. Cheung Chan Fai (Office of University General Education)
講者: Dr. Leung Mei Yee (Office of University General Education)
講者: Dr. Xu Huixuan (Office of University General Education)