UGE Course List

University General Education (University GE) courses listed in 2024-25


  1. The offering of the following University GE courses may vary by academic term, please check the teaching timetable in CUSIS for the exact courses on offer and the pertinent class details.
  2. The corresponding enrolment restriction of each University GE course is available in the Student Handbook.
Course Code Double Code Chinese Course Title English Course Title Department Unit(s)
UGEA1310 FAAS1600 中國藝術傳統 Artistic Traditions in China FAA 3
UGEA2234 皇權與神權︰中國社會與文化的變革 Imperial and Religious Power: The Transformation of Chinese Society and Culture HIS 2
UGEA2230 中國歷史變革概論 Introduction to Transformation in Chinese History HIS 2
UGEA2190 中國社會 Chinese Society SOC 3
UGEA2180 ANTH2410 中國文化與社會 Chinese Culture and Society ANT 3
UGEA2163 百家爭鳴︰中國傳統思想大辯論 Great Debates on Chinese Traditional Thoughts PHI 2
UGEA2160 中國哲學主流思想 Mainstream Chinese Philosophical Thought PHI 3
UGEA2150 中國文化及其哲學 Chinese Culture and Its Philosophies PHI 2
UGEA2148 從古到今音樂中的中國 Chineseness through Music: Then and Now MUS 3
UGEA2145 中國音樂與文化 Chinese Music and Culture MUS 2
UGEA2110 中國文化導論 An Introduction to Chinese Culture PHI 3
UGEA2100 中國文化要義 Outline of Chinese Culture PHI 2
UGEA1881 日常中醫藥 Everyday Chinese Medicine BCM 2
UGEA1545 中國與亞洲︰過去與現在 China and Asia: Past and Present GSP 3
UGEA1515 GPAD1073 從電影看中國文化與政治 Reading Chinese Culture and Politics through Movies GPA 3
UGEA1450 CURE1122 中國文化及其宗教 Chinese Culture and Its Religion CRS 3
UGEA1432 中國歷史中的價值觀變遷 Changing Value Systems in Chinese History CCS 3
UGEA1333 多元文化與中國 Multiculturalism and China ANT 2
UGEA1212 GRMD1003 文化景觀 探識中國 Understanding China through Cultural Landscape GRM 2
UGEA2140 中國文化與現代化 Chinese Culture and Its Modernization PHI 2
UGEA2236 歷史經典導讀 Introduction to Classical History Books HIS 2
UGEA3318 FAAS3117 新時代的挑戰 ── 二十世紀中國藝術 Modern Challenges: Chinese Art of the Twentieth Century FAA 3
UGEA2451 中國小說與宗教文化 Chinese Novels and Religious Culture CRS 3
UGEA2433 CHES2107 中國科技發展導論 An Introduction to the Development of Science and Technology in China CCS 3
UGEA2334 今日中國 China Today ANT 3
UGEA2332 ANTH2420 中國的文化及現代性 Culture and Modernity in China ANT 3
UGEA2330 ANTH2760 中國的文化遺產 China's Cultural Heritage ANT 3
UGEA2300 從傳統到現代︰中國社會變遷 China from Tradition to Modernity SOC 3
UGEA2290 中國文化與文學 Chinese Culture and Literature CHI 2
UGEA2288 認識中國:傳統與現代 Understanding China: Tradition and Modernity OGE 3
Course Code Double Code Chinese Course Title English Course Title Department Unit(s)
UGEB1307 能源與綠色社會 Energy and Green Society MAE 3
UGEB1407 ENGG1910 人工智能揭秘 Demystifying Artificial Intelligence ENO 3
UGEB1492 數據探究︰日常生活中的統計 Data Exploration - Statistics in Daily Life STA 3
UGEB1504 生命的動力 Forces of Life PHY 3
UGEB1506 PHYS1004 從 STEM 角度探索物理世界 Exploring the Physical World with STEM PHY 3
UGEB1870 EESC1001 探索地球及環境科學 Exploring Earth and Environmental Sciences EES 2
UGEB2008 心靈、人腦與人工智能 Mind, Brain and AI PHI 3
UGEB2113 GRMD2403 自然保育在香港 Nature Conservation in Hong Kong GRM 3
UGEB2114 氣候、能源與生命 Climate, Energy and Life GRM 2
UGEB1217 BMEG1217 仿生人與人類的未來 Bionic Human and the Future of Being Human BME 3
UGEB2298 重新思考大灣區的環境保護 Rethinking Environmental Protection in the Greater Bay Area OGE 2
UGEB2363 生物化學與體能活動 Biochemistry and Physical Activities SLS 2
UGEB2303 動感機器人 Robots in Action MAE 3
UGEB2341 相對論與量子力學︰概念介紹 Relativity and Quantum Mechanics: A Conceptual Introduction PHY 3
UGEB2350 植物創富及添趣 Plants for Treasure & Pleasure SLS 2
UGEB2360 生物拾趣與啟示 Wonders and Insights in Biology SLS 2
UGEB2361 生命科學大發現 Great Discoveries in Life Sciences SLS 2
UGEB2362 營養與健康生活 Nutrition For Healthy Living SLS 3
UGEB2364 食品安全與製作科技 Food Safety and Processing Technology SLS 2
UGEB2370 化學X檔案 Chemistry: The X-Files CHM 2
UGEB2262 從基因到生命 From Genes to Life SLS 2
UGEB2296 農業科技︰體驗與再思 Experiencing and Rethinking Science and Technology in Agriculture OGE 2
UGEB2123 環境危機 - 中國與世界 Environmental Crises – China and the World GRM 2
UGEB2132 從太空觀地球 Earth as Seen From Space GRM 3
UGEB2149 音樂、心靈與人工智能 Music, Mind and Artificial Intelligence MUS 2
UGEB2151 中國世紀工程 China's Mega-Projects in the New Millennium GRM 3
UGEB2161 全球化時代的資源問題 Resource Issues in the Age of Globalization GRM 2
UGEB2182 香港環境的挑戰 Environmental Challenges in Hong Kong GRM 2
UGEB2222 自然災害 Natural Hazards GRM 3
UGEB2240 世界自然奇觀 Natural Wonders of the World GRM 3
UGEB2791 臨床醫學科學觀 Perspectives in Clinical Sciences BMS 3
UGEB2781 醫學科學探索 Perspectives in Medical Sciences BMS 3
UGEB2650 材料科學概論 Perspectives in Material Science PHY 2
UGEB2640 氣象學概論 Perspectives in Meteorology PHY 3
UGEB2530 博奕和策略思想 Games and Strategic Thinking MAT 3
UGEB2510 人類與星辰 The Stars and Our Lives PHY 3
UGEB2505 ANTH2740 解密過去:文化,考古與科學 Deciphering the Past: Culture, Archaeology and Science ANT 3
UGEB2460 數學賞析 Appreciation of Mathematics MAT 3
UGEB2502 ANTH2810 人類的演化 Human Evolution ANT 3
UGEB2491 風險管理與當今社會之展望 Perspectives in Risk Management and Modern Society STA 3
UGEB2440 飲食中的化學 Chemistry of Food and Drinks CHM 2
UGEB2420 化學色香味 Chemistry in the Kitchen CHM 2
UGEB2410 動感化學 Chemistry in Action CHM 2
UGEB2402 起源︰從宇宙到生命 Origins - From Cosmos to Life PHY 3
UGEB2401 天文學 Astronomy PHY 3
UGEB2381 化學:可持續未來 Chemistry for a Sustainable Future CHM 2
UGEB2380 CHEM2382 生命化學 Chemistry of Life CHM 2
UGEB2831 中醫與中藥 Fundamentals in Chinese Medicine BCM 3
UGEB2836 科學、哲學與人生 Science, Philosophy and Human Life PHI 3
UGEB2871 氣候變化與極端天氣 Climate Change and Extreme Weather EES 3
UGEB3630 海洋探秘 Exploring the Enigmatic Oceans SLS 2
UGEB1408 ENGG1920 實用人工智能 Artificial Intelligence in Action ENO 3
UGEB2411 天文學 - 簡介 Astronomy – A Short Introduction PHY 2
UGEB2991 從言語治療看溝通 Viewing Communication from Speech Therapy ENT 3
UGEB2365 生物技術:生物多樣
Biotechnology in Biodiversity,
Conservation, Environment and
Course Code Double Code Chinese Course Title English Course Title Department Unit(s)
UGEC1016 ARCH1320 建築之體驗 Experiencing Architecture ARC 3
UGEC1031 英國史︰從國家到帝國 History of England: From Nation to Empire HIS 2
UGEC1120 GRMD1301 透視粵港澳大灣區 Understanding Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area GRM 3
UGEC1209 GDRS1001 思考性別:性別研究導論 Thinking Gender: An Introduction to Gender Studies GRS 3
UGEC1232 JASP1100 日本文化與社會 Japanese Culture and Society JAS 3
UGEC1271 JASP1160 日本流行文化與文化全球化 Japanese Popular Culture in Cultural Globalization JAS 3
UGEC1281 JASP1120 日本語言文化面面觀 Understanding Japanese Languages and Culture JAS 3
UGEC1302 JASP1140 從電影分析日本文化與社會 Understanding Japanese Culture and Society Through Movies JAS 3
UGEC1511 ECON1010 經濟學概觀 Perspectives in Economics ECO 3
UGEC1512 GPAD1020 政治學初基 Fundamentals of Government GPA 3
UGEC1522 GPAD1030 行政學初基 Fundamentals of Public Administration GPA 3
UGEC1540 GPAD1070 中國政府與政治 Government and Politics of China GPA 3
UGEC1544 韓國流行文化的全球化 Globalization of Korean Popular Culture GSP 3
UGEC1547 從電影看全球議題 Understanding Global Issues from Movies GSP 3
UGEC1548 認識北韓 Understanding North Korea GSP 3
UGEC1560 ECON1420 銀行與金融概觀 Basic Banking and Finance ECO 3
UGEC1625 ANTH1310 婚姻、家庭與親屬關係 Marriage, Family and Kinship ANT 3
UGEC1633 ANTH1710 認識考古學 Understanding Archaeology ANT 3
UGEC1681 ANTH1010 人類與文化 Humans and Culture ANT 3
UGEC1685 毒品與文化 Drugs and Culture ANT 2
UGEC1731 DSPS1002 數據科學及公共政策 Data Science and Public Policy DSPSP 3
UGEC1732 政策研究入門 Introduction to Policy Studies DSPSP 3
UGEC1814 GPAD1100 政治、法律與社會 Politics, Law and Society GPA 3
UGEC1823 SOCI1102 社會學與現代社會 Sociology and Modern Society SOC 3
UGEC1825 ECON1310 當前香港經濟問題 Current Hong Kong Economic Issues ECO 3
UGEC1835 ANTH1410 香港的文化 Culture of Hong Kong ANT 3
UGEC1885 GPAD1050 香港政府 Government of Hong Kong GPA 3
UGEC1920 PHPC1001 公共衞生學基礎 Foundations in Public Health PBH 2
UGEC2925 LING2301 語言與社會 Language and Society LIN 3
UGEC2005 葡萄酒文化與鑒賞 Wine Culture and Appreciation: Enhancing Quality of Life HMG 3
UGEC2011 現代新加坡 The Making of Modern Singapore HIS 2
UGEC2020 澳門史︰東西文化的匯聚 History of Macau: The Encounter of Eastern and Western Cultures HIS 2
UGEC2041 近代中國婦女史 History of Women in Modern China HIS 2
UGEC2042 CURE2016 現代社會與城市文化 Modernity and Urban Culture CRS 3
UGEC2135 古典音樂的去殖民化 Decolonizing Classical Music MUS 2
UGEC2171 GRMD2401 可持續發展 Sustainable Development GRM 3
UGEC2189 ENGE2600 世界英語及其文化 World Englishes and Their Cultures ENG 3
UGEC2192 GRMD2292 生態旅遊探索 Understanding Ecotourism GRM 2
UGEC2201 理想人居環境的追尋 Pursuit of Ideal Living Environment GRM 2
UGEC2210 糧食與饑餓 Food and Hunger GRM 3
UGEC2226 解讀非洲︰ 環境˴社會與展望 Discovering Africa: Environment, Society and Prospects GRM 2
UGEC2231 城巿解碼 Decoding Cities GRM 2
UGEC2241 CURE2030 香港電影 Hong Kong Cinema CRS 3
UGEC2243 CURE2018 生於人類世︰自然,文化,權力 Living in the Anthropocene: Nature, Culture and Power CRS 3
UGEC2273 CURE2022 女權主義︰思想與運動 Feminisms: Thoughts and Movements CRS 3
UGEC2294 CURE2042 戲曲與文化 Xiqu and Culture CRS 3
UGEC2317 FAAS2116 西方漫畫史 History of Western Comics FAA 3
UGEC2351 GLSD2201 全球化、文化與社會 Globalization, Cultures and Societies GSFPC 3
UGEC2352 GLSD2301 全球政治 Global Politics GSFPC 3
UGEC2353 GLSD2501 世界經濟秩序 World Economic Order GSFPC 3
UGEC2354 GLSD2401 全球的可持續性 Global Sustainability GSFPC 3
UGEC2391 FAAS2106 明代視覺與物質文化 Visual and Material Culture of the Ming Dynasty FAA 3
UGEC2434 CHES2103 當代的中國流行文化 Popular Culture in Contemporary China CCS 3
UGEC2490 香港民間宗教 Popular Religions in Hong Kong CRS 3
UGEC2500 CURE2375 中國廟宇與節誕 Chinese Temples and Festivals CRS 3
UGEC2514 全球化大議題 Big Issues of Globalization SOC 2
UGEC2601 華人社會中的教育變遷 Educational Change in Chinese Societies EAP 3
UGEC2610 GPAD2345 國際政治 International Politics GPA 3
UGEC2621 COMM2910 新聞剖析 News Analysis COM 3
UGEC2623 COMM2210 新聞與社會 News and Society COM 3
UGEC2624 COMM2940 互聯網、數碼媒體與資訊社會 Internet, Digital Media and Information Society COM 3
UGEC2631 SOWK2160 全球經濟逆境與社會保障 Economic Insecurity and Social Security in Global Contexts SWK 3
UGEC2632 COMM2920 媒介、性與暴力 Media, Sex and Violence COM 3
UGEC2634 COMM2140 中國大陸的媒介與社會發展 Media and Social Development in Mainland China COM 3
UGEC2636 COMM2813 社交媒體與危機溝通 Social Media and Crisis Communication COM 3
UGEC2638 COMM2840 廣告與社會 Advertising and Society COM 3
UGEC2653 ANTH2310 性別與文化 Gender and Culture ANT 3
UGEC2654 ANTH2321 從瘋狂到心理健康 From Madness to Mental Health ANT 3
UGEC2655 ANTH2324 印度文化與社會 Indian Cultures and Society ANT 3
UGEC2662 ANTH2510 文化與商業 Culture and Business ANT 3
UGEC2664 ANTH2390 體育與文化 Sports and Culture ANT 3
UGEC2665 ANTH2540 社交媒體與文化 Social Media and Culture ANT 3
UGEC2667 ANTH2320 文化與心靈 Culture and Mind ANT 3
UGEC2673 香港教育政策與社會 Hong Kong Education Policy and Society EAP 3
UGEC2680 SOWK2200 人際暴力 Interpersonal Violence SWK 3
UGEC2683 GPAD2355 全球化與政治 Globalization and Politics GPA 3
UGEC2684 SOWK2202 社會工作與多元文化 Social Work and Cultural Diversity SWK 3
UGEC2686 SOWK2204 社會創新與社會臻善 Social Innovation and Social Change for Good SWK 3
UGEC2690 政治與時事 Politics and Current Affairs GPA 2
UGEC2693 SOWK2203 由使命推動的社會企業 Mission-driven Social Enterprise SWK 3
UGEC2703 現代社會青少年問題 Youth Problem in Modern Society SOC 2
UGEC2710 EDUC2130 環境主義與環境教育 Environmentalism and Environmental Education ECI 2
UGEC2821 中醫藥之文化內涵 Cultural Perspectives of Chinese Medicine BCM 3
UGEC2841 應用倫理學 Applied Ethics PHI 3
UGEC2853 GDRS2002 性與文化 Sexuality and Culture PHI 3
UGEC2858 動物與社會︰哲學研究 Animals and Society : A philosophical approach PHI 3
UGEC2883 SOCI2106 中國的經濟改革與社會影響 Economic Reform and Social Impacts in China SOC 3
UGEC2910 金錢、土地與房屋 Money, Land and Housing USP 2
UGEC2917 URSP2010 一帶一路與合作現代化 Belt and Road for Collaborative Modernization USP 2
UGEC2941 伊斯蘭在香港 Islam in Hong Kong HIS 2
UGEC2942 博物館與文化遺產 Museum and Heritage HIS 2
UGEC2944 歷史上的香港族群 The Peoples of Hong Kong in History HIS 2
UGEC2945 香港史 History of Hong Kong HIS 2
UGEC2950 ANTH2380 環境危機、生存與文化 Environmental Crises and Cultures of Survival ANT 3
UGEC2960 ANTH2340 魔法、神話與超自然 Magic, Myth & the Supernatural ANT 3
UGEC2970 ANTH2330 性別在亞洲 Gender in Asia ANT 3
UGEC2983 SOCI2116 犯罪與司法 Criminals and the Law SOC 3
UGEC2990 ANTH2520 全球化與文化 Globalization and Culture ANT 3
UGEC2993 健康生活:社會影響和社會因素 Living healthy: social influences and social determinants SOC 3
UGEC3203 GDRS3005 當代社會的性別與性 Gender and Sexuality in Contemporary Society GRS 3
UGEC3204 GDRS3006 活出女性主義:創造非暴力與協作共生的未來 Living Feminisms: Creating a Nonviolent and Collaborative Future GRS 3
UGEC3213 GDRS3025 創新未來:性別、科學與技術 Innovating the Future: Gender, Science and Technology GRS 3
UGEC3214 GDRS3026 女性與電影 A Screen of One’s Own: Women and Films GRS 3
UGEC3224 GDRS3009 家庭與社會 Family and Society GRS 3
UGEC3225 GDRS3024 教育和職場的性別偏見 Gender Biases in Education and the Workplace GRS 3
UGEC3227 GDRS3021 LGBTQI+ 研究︰身份與社會轉變 LGBTQI+ Studies: Identities and social change GRS 3
UGEC3228 GDRS3008 香港的公共政策與社會小眾 Public Policy and Social Minorities in Hong Kong GRS 3
UGEC3229 GDRS3007 陽剛特質與社會變遷 Understanding Masculinities and Social Change GRS 3
UGEC3308 FAAS3110 佛教藝術與建築 Buddhist Art and Architecture FAA 3
UGEC3309 FAAS3113 韓國藝術與文化 Art and Culture of Korea FAA 3
UGEC3319 FAAS3114 日本藝術與文化 Art and Culture of Japan FAA 3
UGEC3481 CURE3003 動物,文化與現代社會 Animals, Culture and Modern Society CRS 3
UGEC3482 CURE3033 東南亞政治與電影文化 Film and Cultural Politics in Southeast Asia CRS 3
UGEC3546 GLSD3405 東南亞國際關係 International Relations in Southeast Asia GSFPC 3
UGEC3612 COMM3193 媒介與性別 Media and Gender COM 3
UGEC3635 COMM3191 電影、電視與香港文化 Film, Television and Hong Kong Culture COM 3
UGEC3928 LING3208 語言障礙 Language Disorders LIN 3
UGEC2947 香港文化遺產面面觀 Exploring Hong Kong Heritage HIS 2
UGEC3483 CURE3034 韓國媒體與大眾文化 Korean Media and Popular Culture CRS 3
UGEC3893 SOCI3241 全球社會學導論 Introduction to Global Sociology SOC 3
UGEC1372 JASP1190 旅遊與可持續發展 Tourism and Sustainable Development JASP 3
UGEC1915 城市散步與體驗城市 Experiencing City through
UGEC2656 ANTH2550 工作文化 - 認識廿十一世紀的工作 Working Cultures – Understanding Work in the 21st Century ANTH 3
UGEC2117 全球城市:城市發展的
Cities of the World: A Cultural and
Historical Exploration of Urban
UGEC3215 GDRS3214 少數族群在香港的媒體
Media Representations of
Minorities in Hong Kong
Course Code Double Code Chinese Course Title English Course Title Department Unit(s)
UGED1082 電影音樂欣賞︰Marvel工作室電影 Appreciation of Screen Music : Music from the Movies of Marvel Studio MUS 2
UGED1081 爵士樂導賞︰爵士樂、美國文化和全球脈絡 Jazz Appreciation: Jazz, American Culture, and Global Contexts MUS 2
UGED1600 SOWK1150 生命的選擇︰個人成長之旅 Choices in Life: An Invitation to Self-Development SWK 3
UGED1554 PSYC1020 正向心理學的生活應用 Positive Psychology in Everyday Life PSY 1
UGED1553 豐盛人生︰正向心理學的理論與實踐 Live to Flourish: the Science and Practice of Positive Psychology PSY 2
UGED1533 數學與視覺藝術 Mathematics in Visual Art MAT 3
UGED1520 CURE1124 基督宗教研究 Study of Christianity CRS 3
UGED1400 CURE1123 世界宗教 World Religions CRS 3
UGED1235 中國百年思潮 Intellectual History of Modern China HIS 2
UGED1146 CLCE1103 中國語言及文化與語言學習 Chinese Language, Culture and Language Learning CLA 3
UGED1112 邏輯與論辯 Logic and Argumentation PHI 3
UGED1111 邏輯 Logic PHI 2
UGED1085 中國與西方的貝多芬 Beethoven in China and the West MUS 2
UGED1084 音樂劇賞析︰從百老匯出發 Understanding Musicals: Broadway and Beyond MUS 2
UGED1252 成功自我 The Successful Self SSO 3
UGED1924 LING1000 語言學概論 Invitation to Linguistics LIN 3
UGED2172 ENGE2220 存在主義與文學作品 Existentialism and Literature ENG 3
UGED2133 電影中的音樂 Music in Film MUS 3
UGED2080 西洋古典音樂欣賞 The Appreciation of Western Classical Music MUS 2
UGED2070 對聯的文化與藝術 Culture and Art of Chinese Couplets CHI 2
UGED2063 臺灣文學欣賞 Taiwan Literature Appreciation CHI 2
UGED2062 先秦法家文獻選讀 Selected Readings: Pre-Qin Legalist texts CHI 2
UGED2040 香港文學欣賞 Appreciation of Hong Kong Literature CHI 2
UGED1817 身體、心靈和精神修習︰印度經典 Body, Mind and Spirituality: Classics of India PHI 2
UGED1815 哲學與生活之道 Philosophy as a Way of Life PHI 2
UGED1810 批判思考 Critical Thinking PHI 2
UGED1796 EPIN1010 創業家解構 Anatomy of an Entrepreneur TF 3
UGED1660 GPAD1095 政治哲學問題 Issues of Political Philosophy GPA 3
UGED1651 SOWK1160 電影、人生與社工 Movies, Life and Social Work SWK 3
UGED1602 SOWK1130 與哀傷共存︰認識死亡、垂死與喪親 Living with Grief: Understanding Death, Dying and Bereavement SWK 3
UGED2321 幸福論 Human Happiness PHI 3
UGED2316 FAAS2100 中國古代的生活與藝術 Life and Arts in Pre-Modern China FAA 3
UGED2315 FAAS2113 亞洲藝術史入門 ── 西亞、南亞、東南亞、中亞的藝術和考古 Introduction to Asian Art: The Art and Archaeology of West, South, Southeast, and Inner Asia FAA 3
UGED2306 FAAS2110 中國宗教藝術 Religious Art of China FAA 3
UGED2297 學以致禪︰從靜觀到正念 Understanding in Practice: From Meditation to Mindfulness OGE 2
UGED2286 CUMT2006 從展覽認識中國藝術 Understanding Chinese Art through Exhibitions CUM 3
UGED2285 CUMT2004 中國傳統物質文化 Chinese Material Culture CUM 3
UGED2233 中國婦女與兒童史 Women and Children in Chinese History HIS 2
UGED2199 ENGE2210 歌曲與詩歌 Song and Poetry: The Literature of Song and Song-Writing ENG 3
UGED2197 ENGE2190 神之惡︰世界神話與傳說 Gods Behaving Badly: Myths and Legends from Around the World ENG 3
UGED2195 ENGE2110 犯罪小說 Crime Fiction ENG 3
UGED2194 ENGE2360 兒童文學 Children's Literature ENG 3
UGED2187 ENGE2140 超級英雄漫畫及電影 Superheroes in Comics and Film ENG 3
UGED2186 ENGE2130 如何閱讀文學傑作? (How to Read) Masterpieces of Literature ENG 3
UGED2261 哲學與人生 Philosophy and Human Life PHI 2
UGED2682 教育思想 Educational Thought EAP 2
UGED2892 旅行哲學 Philosophy of Travel PHI 3
UGED2891 愛情哲學 Philosophy of Love PHI 3
UGED2859 大自然:從哲學與藝術的觀點看 Nature in Philosophy and Arts PHI 2
UGED2852 自由與命運 Freedom and Destiny PHI 2
UGED2700 GPAD2300 人權初探 Understanding Human Rights GPA 3
UGED2669 ANTH2351 死亡、死亡儀式與文化 Death, Death Ritual and Culture ANT 3
UGED2668 ANTH2730 文化遺產保護 Preserving Cultural Heritage ANT 3
UGED2663 人的存在與價值教育 Human Existence and Values Education EAP 3
UGED2637 COMM2930 認識電影 Understanding Movies COM 3
UGED2622 ANTH2530 政治暴力與人權 Political Violence and Human Rights ANT 3
UGED2620 SPED2301 個人健康與體適能模式設計 Personal Health and Fitness Programme Design PEP 3
UGED2591 個人成長 Personal Growth PSY 3
UGED2331 佛學與人生 Buddhism and Human Life PHI 2
UGED2327 《易經》與人生智慧 "The Book of Changes" and Wisdom of Life CRS 3
UGED2326 CURE2051 理解漫畫藝術 Understanding Comic Arts CRS 3
UGED2666 ANTH2360 倫理與人類體驗 Ethics and the Human Experience ANT 3
UGED2923 探索手語及聾人社群 Exploring Sign Languages and Deaf Communities LIN 3
UGED3430 CURE3375 科學與宗教 Science and Religion CRS 3
UGED3322 CURE3145 佛教與現代生活 Buddhism and Contemporary Life CRS 3
UGED3208 GDRS3004 愛情與親密關係 Love and Intimate Relationship GRS 3
UGED3206 GDRS3011 女性敘述與香港歷史 Women's Narratives and Hong Kong History GRS 3
UGED3205 GDRS3012 中國文化的性別分析 Engendering Chinese Cultures GRS 3
UGED3143 ENGE3220 文學與電影 Literature and Film ENG 3
UGED2980 ANTH2350 生活的意義 Meanings of Life ANT 3
UGED2933 日常生活的反思 Reflections on Everyday Life SOC 3
UGED2921 哲學、電影與人生 Philosophy, Film and Life PHI 3
UGED2901 死亡與不朽 Death and Immortality PHI 2
UGED2761 生死與健康:生命倫理綜觀 Bioethical Perspectives on Health, Life, and Death BMS 2
UGED2674 沉思實踐與全人教育 Contemplative Practices and
Holistic Education
UGED2919 跨界研究共創環境藝術 Inter/Transdisciplinary Research and Environmental Art Co-Creation USP 3
Course Code Double Code Chinese Course Title English Course Title Department Unit(s)
UGFH1000 與人文對話 In Dialogue with Humanity OGE 3
UGFN1000 與自然對話 In Dialogue with Nature OGE 3